Fry tank size

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 10, 2012
Lawrenceville, Ga
I recently acquired 9 bgjd and 4 albino bnp. The bgjd are about 3/4"-1" in size and the bnp are 1"-1.5" in size. All tiny little babies.

i need to do some moving around but I am wondering if I can put the bgjd in a 10 gallon and if so, up to what size before they need a larger grow out? I'm trying to do some condensing because I know I will be moving soon so I'm not really able to set up another larger tank.

Can I put the bnp in with them? Or can they stay go in a 20l with a 3" JD? My third option for the bnp would be a 29 gal that has 1 4" common pleco and 2 2.5" ebjd.

I have 3 more tanks that are empty but if I set another up, I would be in trouble. My lovely spouse does not have the love for fish as I do, plus with the impending move, it's really not practical.
I don't know much about JDs, but I do know they get big, so I'm guessing they grow at a pretty good rate. If it were me I would leave them in the 10 gal since they're so small, but once they near 2 inches I'd introduce them to a nice sized tank for grow-out until you can re-home them. If you plan on keeping all of them to adulthood you will need an enormous tank. I would get them to a bigger tank as soon as possible though. I'm just trying to help since nobody else seems to be chiming in, so there is my opinion.
It's a him! I'm the her. I do have larger tanks planned but since we are moving in about 3 months I'm not setting one up just for them.
Oh, excuse me I didn't bother taking your name into consideration haha. Sorry! But if you wouldn't be able to get a bigger tank set up for them by the time they reach a reasonable size, then they need to be rehomed (or at least temporarily rehomed) or they will not be happy and eventually won't have enough tank space to be healthy.
Im sure they would be ok in the 10 gal for 3 months. Just get them in something bigger once you move.
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