Fungus on Koi - Please Help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 18, 2011
Lowestoft, Suffolk

I have noticed a tiny bit of fungus on one of the koi's fin on the tail.

I switched off the UV and treated the pond with NT LABS ERADICK.

I did that for 5 consecutive days.

Today 4/9/2011, is the 10th day the UV been off. My 5th and last day of treatment was last monday 29/08/2011.

Fungus still there. How long does it take for the fungus to go away?

What do I do now?

Do I do another course of treatment and how long before I can start treating the pond again?

Carry on doing weekly part water change as normal?

Any advice would be a great help.

Many thanks.
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