Furry Driftwood

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 11, 2004
New Jersey
I noticed tonight that I've got something growing on my driftwood. I looks like it's growing fur. Should I take it out and wash the fur off?
Jchillin said:
Brown hairy like growth? I would say it's algae. I'm not a pro on this (cleaning/removing).

Yeah, it's really fine and hard to see unless your really close.
I would say give it a little while and if it turns into a nusence or spreads throughout the tank pick it off but I like my wood covered in moss.
SeriousDude5 said:
I would say give it a little while and if it turns into a nusence or spreads throughout the tank pick it off but I like my wood covered in moss.

I'd be ok with it if it was moss. I'll give it a bit and see it if it turns green.
I had something similar grow on some newly purchased driftwood about a month ago. It was whitish, cottony, and translucent. I figured it was some kind of fungus, so I pulled out the driftwood and ran it under very hot water for a few minutes. Then, I cooled the wood off with cold water and put it back in the tank. Never saw the growth again.
More than likely black beard algae. I battle it constantly. It grows on drfitwood, heaters, tubing, and the edges of plant leaves. It's very stubborn and hard to get rid of. Do you have any plants in your tank? What are your nitrates?
BrianNY said:
More than likely black beard algae. I battle it constantly. It grows on drfitwood, heaters, tubing, and the edges of plant leaves. It's very stubborn and hard to get rid of. Do you have any plants in your tank? What are your nitrates?

Yes I do have plants in the tank. I'm in the process of cycling so the nitrates are 110mg/L
I've found the best way to get rid of black brush algae (aka BBA) is to add a Siamese algae eater (SAE) to the tank. This is one of the few species of fish that like BBA although you will have to be careful not to overfeed the fish with other foods. Here is a link to a very good article on identifying and controlling algae.

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