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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 23, 2009
I have a Platy that is getting REALLY skinny. He just doesn't look right. I've heard of people giving their fish garlic? Is that real garlic just pressed or something? Or are they referring to the garlic they can get in a jar?

I've tried Jungle Parasite, that doesn't seem to work. His gills look a little red, however they always have (he's a black and white platy). I've had him for maybe 3 months or so.

I wanted to try some garlic, however don't know how to administer.

Unless you have a better idea? He's still in the main tank with the others. I have a new gourami in my QT tank right now, so I'd prefer not to put them together yet.

Here's a little history. I've had this tank up and running for about 7 years. These fish however are newer fish within a couple years. I have 6 Platys and two guppies. Last week I ran into a weird cycle in which my ammonia got up to .50. (If you read my post from last week about Prime, I just switched to it) Since then, things seemed to have panned out. However-- This fish has been getting skinnier and looking weirder for about a month. So the issue from last week should not be related. He's my newest addition, was in QT for about a month or two battling weird bacterial and/or fungal issues. Finally, when he looked better for a couple weeks I moved him in the big tank cause the QT was causing stress and I believe was the reason why he kept getting ill.

He's been in the big tank for a few months, looked good for about a month, and then has been getting skinny. HE IS EATING and swimming around with all the others. Just really skinny.
Last water change was about a week ago.
Right now, my numbers are:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5

I was thinking Parasite? Didn't know if garlic could help.....
What do you feed?
Is the tank planted?
What test kits are you using?

That is a very low nitrate, almost impossible for most tanks to achieve, especially since most tap water is higher.

Garlic can have two main functions:
1-In almost any form it is a great appetite enhancer. This can be foods with garlic in them, the liquids you can buy at the LFS, etc.
2-A chemical in fresh garlic can actively kill parasites. The best form possible is to soak the food in the juice from freshly pressed garlic. I prefer to use New Life Spectrum Thera+A. All NLS foods contain garlic, but the Thera+A has enough to kill parasites. NLS is by far the best food out there right now anyways. I recommend the 1mm Thera+A.
I've been giving them Tetramin tropical flakes amd some freeze dried blood worms here and there. both from WalMart. I dont really know a lot about good nutrition for them. Is that food you speak of a daily food?
As for the tank, its a 55 gallon, so id say its understocked.
Not really planted, i have some Java fern and anubias.
Using API master kit.
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