GBR Eggs???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 11, 2011
Hi, I have bought two pairs of GBR a few days ago. I have come home tonight and found newly laid eggs from one pair on my driftwood!

The eggs are a kind of transparent white but not the solid white I have seen my Angelfish eggs change to when infertile.

I have read that white eggs mean they haven't been fertilised but also that eggs can start a shade of white and turn amber / golden. Can anyone help with which is correct?
IME, GBR's are bad parents at first and will eventually eat the eggs... Mine did that.. They become better parents in their second or third go around..

They got pretty aggressive to my community fish when they start breeding. If you want to breed them without the parents eating the eggs, i hear separating the eggs into a quarantine tank works, from what i think i remember.. Never bred them so you should google it if that's your intention.
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