geting a 55gallon going to have aisan fish can i have monos

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 18, 2004
Im geting a 55gallon and plann to have asian fish includeing: barbs, gouramies, rasbouras, sharks, a catfish, louches, and an eel.
I want to know if I could have monos in with them or if I would have to take a few fish off the list?
thanks but I've herd of people that have brakish and fresswater fish in one tank. :D
Hey krap :lol: :lol: :lol: do you know if asian fish above can live in partial brackish or if monos can live in fress?
IME monos do not ever do well in fresh, they do much better in brackish and i have even seen them kept in tanks with marine fish. they really like their salt, and i dont think that the barbs and the rest of the fish you mentioned would appreciate being thrown into a SG as high as one of a brackish tank. i would skip the monos and just get the rest of the fish and have them as fresh.

and yea mollies can live in brackish, ive had them in SG as high as 1.014 for a few days (it was a treatment for ich).

mono's are the tricky kind of brackish that require increasing salt as they grow.. and they like big tanks for swimming room.
Remember, fish keeping can be a life long hobby and you don't have to keep every fish you want all at the same time. Or, you can set up multiple tanks :wink: I love bumble bee gobies and finally was able to set up a BW tank. It's not hard.
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