Getting a betta tank...

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I'm not sure I'd put guppies in the with the betta. Flowing tails are a real red flag for bettas, and even though guppies can move faster than bettas, the aquascaping in a 10 would be key in providing adequate hiding places.

I've mixed bettas with cory cats, white cloud minnows, glow light tetras, zebra danios and painted swords, with no war wounds to any fish.
I've not mixed my betta because they were too unhealthy for mixed communities.
During major tank changes I've floated some in the chocolate gourami tank and it was interesting interaction. They were curious without posturing and the betta only rolled his eye at hem. HE didn't even display his dorsal. He looked bored.
I don't put them in the big tank because the clown peck around so much they flare up. The croaking gourmi tank is already at capacity. And I dont have my pugnax at the house yet.(Deal was if I could get em to breed, the 6 adults are MI EEN fer free and a starter 20 gal. I got two pairs brooding.).

Guppies are out. If the betta doesn't shred them them, the large males are known to fin nip your betta... lose-lose
WOW! those crowntail bettas are absolutely stunning and the red-white-blue one is one-of-a-kind. Thanks for sharing that link. However, those fish are pricey - worth it, but pricey nonetheless. I guess I'll be visiting my lfs on Wednesday when he gets his new stock. Hopefully I'll find a happy, healthy looking betta.
heh! I forgot to mention in bold that you can get them cheaper..
plus the pricing on the main pages are for pairs. (except that one-of-a -kind). If you find a breeder close to you through the IBC (International Betta Congress) then you can get one really inexpensive because the shipping will be down. Though you'll never see one cheaper then $10.
but there are alway the sad fish at the store you take home anyway... :wink:
Woohoo! :D :D :D :D

I went shopping this weekend!
First, I picked up a 7 gal glass bowfront w/cover and fluorescent lite and a Penguin Mini. I placed it in the bathroom on a birch cabinet that I built and secured to the wall. I had to run an extension cord for the aquarium, which meant drilling through two metal door frames and a wall. Finally, I got it all set up and running - I only need to get a 25 W heater. The tank is nearly eye-level with the toilet, so I guess I won't be needing to bring magazines in there with me anymore. :p :D

I bought 2 Corydoras melanistius, 1 Ramshorn snail, and a male betta. These guys will eventually inhabit the 7 gal bowfront. I also got 3 Albino Corydoras aeneus which will eventually go into my 58 gal. All of these new aquisitions are happily living in the cycled 10 gal Q-tank where they will spend a three week stay.

I broke down and got the betta at Petland where he was unhappily wallowing in a quart of filthy room temperature water. He looked healthy, tho (no visible ich) and he even flared at me. He is a beautiful cobalt-blue crowntail. I named him Rocky in memory of my brother's long deceased betta who eventually carpet-surfed himself to death after a lifetime of eating pretzels and onion dip (don't ask :roll:).

After two hours of acclimatization, I released Rocky into the 10 gal Q-tank. Can fish experience happiness? After being immobilizd for so long in his teacup-sized prison, Rocky immediately explored every cubic inch of his new home pausing only to flare at his reflection. He seemed to take particular delight in the gentle stream of fresh, clean, heated water pouring from the HOB filter. If you pressed your ear against the glass, you could even hear him humming Beethoven's "Ode to Joy"! :lol:
The tank is nearly eye-level with the toilet, so I guess I won't be needing to bring magazines in there with me anymore.
[center:9260633405]thanks for sharing :drain:[/center:9260633405] brother's long deceased betta who eventually carpet-surfed himself to death after a lifetime of eating pretzels and onion dip (don't ask :roll: ).
[center:9260633405]8O 8O 8O [/center:9260633405]

QTOFFER--I wish you and Rocky a wonderful life together!
Menagerie said: brother's long deceased betta who eventually carpet-surfed himself to death after a lifetime of eating pretzels and onion dip (don't ask :roll: ).
[center:733c84713f]8O 8O 8O [/center:733c84713f]

My introduction to aquariums was wayyy back in the 70's when I was 6 or 7 years old. My brother was in high school at the time and he had a 10 gal tank in his room overstocked with a bunch of tetras, a big mean catfish named Fred, and a male betta named Rocky. I don't remember very much about the tank because I was a pesky little brother and his bedroom was strictly off-limits. :wink:

Anyway, Fred eventually ate everything but the betta before dying himself (probably due to starvation - no more tankmates to eat). Rocky the betta was constantly begging for food and my brother would reward him with some crushed prezels and an occasional glop of onion dip - yes, sour cream and onion dip. :roll: I guess my brother figured that Rocky would like to eat what he liked to eat. :roll: Obviously, my brother had no clue about fishkeeping and was not at all serious about the hobby. At the time, I suppose that an aquarium was the 'in' thing to have - that and a guitar, lol.

The tank had no lid and Rocky would frequently launch himself across the room. My mom would find him on the floor when she was vacuuming and toss him back in. I suppose that he just went on one too many outer-tank excursions....

So, Rocky, wherever you are, I'm naming my betta after you! :D
And no, I have no intention of ever feeding any of my fish prezels and onion dip! :lol:
I'm looking at getting a crowntail at my lfs tomorrow. He was there on Thursday. If he's there tomorrow, I'm grabbing him. I would go with the flourescent light because the color spectrum of those lights make your betta look 10 times more colorful than incandescents. They really bring out and highlight much more color. Try it yourself in your home, and you'll see. Be careful though. Bettas are extremely sensitive to light, and the flourescents are much brighter that the incandescents. I have my plexiglass under the bulb half way blacked-out with electrical tape. HTH
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