I recently ventured out around my area looking for rocks for my tanks. I checked out all of the farm and garden stores and such, found a couple 2lb packages of polished river stones that i thought would look nice. I wasn't totally satisfied, though, so I figured I'd check out this place called "Pet Deli." We recently bought a tank from a guy in town off of Craigs List who recommended this place because they carried fish supplies. To my surprise they specialize in fish and have a whole bunch of nice looking tanks. It seemed like they specialize in freshwater and also had a ton of live plants. I was so psyched to find a place I can get almost anything I am going to need within 10 minutes of my house, as opposed to any other place where I can get stuff being 40 miles away. Anyway, I was checking out the tanks and found these guys, all hovering in a crowd and staring me down. They were SO cool! enjoy!