Ghost Knife

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Hey guys,

I bought a ghost knife last night and put him in the tank.
He immediately went to the heater which i expected.

This morning i fed the tank and they all went nuts as expected but the ghost knife wasn't at the heater and i couldn't see him anywhere.

I do have one big cave like rock which i assume he is inside, however he didn't come out to feed and I am worried that he's not eating.

Is there anything i should do or is he just getting used to the tank and will come out to eat when he's more relaxed?

I know he's nocturnal so i'm not expecting to see him full time but i just want to make sure he eats!
Put some sinking pellets or similar in the cave you think he's in. Mine hid for 2-3 days before really coming out to see what's up. I trained mine to come to me to feed, and he eats blood worms right from my hand. What are his tankmates? Really active fish seem to startle them.
your 120gallon is a perfect size for a BGK.

i've kept 2 for several months now, i'll throw you some pointers.

1. they are very timid and passive when younger, as they grow, they start to feel a bit more confident and braver.

2. they are incredibly insecure if they dont have a cave, they prefer to cave to only be slightly bigger than themselves

3. dont expect to see them swimming around all over in the day, they are nocturnal, but come out occassionally

4. they are very picky eatters, frozen and live foods are mandatory, they also need the high levels of proteins that live and frozen foods offer. do yourself a favor and not bother trying to feed him freeze-dried foods

5. feed them at night, and in early morning, this is when their natural feeding clocks go to work, they may not eat if the lights are on
I feed the tank frozen bloodworms, flakes and pellets in the morning (about 8:30am) and then Frozen brine shrimp, flakes and pellets at night (about 9pm)

I have a couple of nice hiding spots in the tank which is where i think he's hanging out.

I don't expect to see him that often, just want to make sure he eats.

I might try turning some of the lights off (I have 3, i could turn 2 off and the remaining one is very dim) for the 9pm feeding to see if that helps him along.
Will kind of give the fish an hour or so of 'twilight' before i turn the last of the lights off.

Think this would help him along?
I agree with what others have said, but one option just as a general idea, might be to get a red light (Hagen Marina do LED lights that might be an option) so you can see your fish in the dark :)
i dont know how dim your lights can get, but if other fish can see the flakes, they'll get it before your BGK can.

what i do, it shake some bloodworms off in the area where the BGK hides, and then turn all the lights off.

plecos love to vacuum bloodworms so make sure the BGK gets some
from my experience with BGK....the reason they hide is more because of the tank mates rather than being nocturnal.

fast moving fish scares them away (even during feeding).
So tetras, barbs are not recommended.

So I would suggest slow, peaceful moving fish.
Discus, Angels.

I should also mention that you don't need many bottom feeders when you have a BGK.
Its best to give the BGK as LITTLE competition when it come to eating.

Just add 1 bristlenose/pleco or a small school of loaches, and your bottom level should be fully stocked.
It's been my experience with my BGK, to hand feed him from the start. That way you always know how much he is being feed. It may take him some time to get used to it, but once he is hungry enough he will eat. Everytime I put my hand in my tank, my BGK comes out. It doesn't matter if it's day or night, he is in my hand looking for food. It took my BGK one day to eat frozen bloodworms from my fingers and ever since that day, he has eaten from my hands. He eats frozen/FD/live bloodworms, frozen beefheart, raw fish, and his loves live earthworms. I also keep ghost shrimp in my tank for snacks.

Bubble_B0y said:
So I would suggest slow, peaceful moving fish.
Discus, Angels.

I should also mention that you don't need many bottom feeders when you have a BGK.
Its best to give the BGK as LITTLE competition when it come to eating.

do not put angels in with the BGK, as either the BGK will nip at the angels, or vice versa.

i currently have a BGK by himself, who still never comes out, even though theres no other fish present.

like i mentioned, do not put a pleco in with a BGK while the BGK is little, and very reclusive, the pleco will chase him off and eat all the bloodworms
my bgk is doing well with my angel even though in 10g tank. i would recommend u to feed ur bgk when the light is off, as they will prefer to lurk out in the dark.
shsean said:
my bgk is doing well with my angel even though in 10g tank. i would recommend u to feed ur bgk when the light is off, as they will prefer to lurk out in the dark.

even a baby BGK should not be in a 10 gallon tank. nor should an angel.
Hara said:
do not put angels in with the BGK, as either the BGK will nip at the angels, or vice versa.

I would recommend right clicking and saving, as it is a very big file.
My BGK has been with angels and discus for years and as you can see, there are no issues.

Your pictures do not do justice to the size of that fish. That guy makes all your other fish look small. :lol: That BGK is 6 years old correct?
My BGK and the angel don't seem to care about each other.

I've found if you have the fish from an early age they generally get along fine.
yes, he is around 6 years old, and the tank is a 150 if that helps for size.
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