Ghost shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 19, 2012
Ok these guys have to be the funniest ever. Yesterday I watched one in a 55 poke a Betta and clown loach out of the way to steal a Betta pellet I had just fed then sink to the bottom and enjoy its prize.

NOW I had a dead neon which I gave to the ones in a 25g breeder tank. One seized it then there was a tug of war then the winner SWAM off with the whole fish and swam up to mid level and STASHED it in a plastic plant so the others couldn't have it.... Am I hallucinating ?!?!?

Surely simple Crustacea cannot be doing seemingly thought driven things ??!?!?!



The happy winner
These guys are clowns. Mine like the sinking shrimp pellets. They just take the whole thing and keep it for them self. .
I have a couple in each of my tanks. They are some of the more interesting tank dwellers to watch.
brc81 said:
I have a couple in each of my tanks. They are some of the more interesting tank dwellers to watch.

I have about 25 between 2 tanks. They are funny little buggers. Some of mine insist on being vegetarians they only eat my plants!
I love mine. One of my little guys likes to run up my tall plant in the tank around feeding time and snatch as much food as he can carry then take it down to his hole in a piece of DW before he proceeds to eat it lol
Another one I had was full of eggs so she was in my little tank. It came time to do a gravel vac so I put my 3 little fry I had and her in a little bowl of tank water by the tank so they wouldn't get injured or sucked up. Well when it came time to put them back in she wasn't in the bowl! I had to get my husbands flashlight in order to find her. I found my little carpet runner running across the room, making a break for the door! Thank goodness that she wasn't injured on her little adventure but I laughed so hard at the sight of her little marathon
Hope mine don't do that. They will last about 1 sec before my cats get a seafood snack!
* noticed now they were in a bowl lol *
I had one i put in my gsp tank as food and it encouraged the puffer to chase it. Then when the puffer got close it would pet my puffer with its feelers. It was so funny. Then they would sit side by side in a clay pot..never seen anything like it haha. For sure a funny animal
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