Give the fish Presents?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2006
California & Tokyo
I did, i coudnt find much in the way of treats for fish like i could for a dog/cat but i was able to get them some bloodworms and some shrimp pellets. Maybe its a bit odd to buy your fish gifts, but hey they are my pets :)

Erm, I specifically bought a sweet potato for my plecos and snails....after trying to think of something new they might like...
Heh... Well, I did get my juvie O, 2 sevs, Sen. Bichir and Pleco a triple in aquarium size.
LOL - my fish got Mysis shrimp as a Christmas meal. I wanted to get them a great gift - a much bigger tank (125 or more) but alas, my husband is still hoping that I'll abandon that idea LOL
With the help of evercl92, I just tonight set up my christmas present to myself and my fish. A new (to me) 150 gallon breeder tank, fully planted with pressurized CO2 on the way hopefully by weeks end.
I didn't get the fish any presents, but I got them tank mates, lol. Got the Albino Birchir for the 75G, the American Flagfish for the 29G, and the Ghost Shrimp in the 26G for the Rainbowfish and Cherry Barbs to chase around, lol.
My wife makes me buy presents for the fish. Usally some type of food, but this year my 46 gallon bowfront got a new light fixture from Santa. LOL.

LWB, a Bichir? say good bye to those oto's.
I gave my pomeranian several toys and treats and as fro my fish my oscars got crayfish and my community tank gor brine shrimps.
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