Glass Tops - FOWLR Aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 12, 2012
Smyrna, GA (Atlanta)
Does anyone have an opinion on glass tops for salt water aquariums? I currently have one on it but are there benefits to not having one? My current fish are:

2 watchman gobies
1 anthias
2 clowns
1 flame angel
1 six line wrasse
1 skunk cleaner
1 azure damsel

None seem to be prone to leaping although I have always had a top so maybe it has saved them?
Most do not has tops on there tanks. Something to do with gas exchange. I'm not 100% sure why but I do no most do not and some even suggest it.

I have the door on my bio cube 29 open when I'm on and cracked when I'm not.
I have had a glass top on my 46 bow front for little over a year now. No problems. The back is open about 2 inches.

The open top, especially during the summer time, has so much water evaporation.

One fish still jumped out! Six line wrasse
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