GM Fishies

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2005
Wigan, UK
I was just wondering if anyone on this forum has those glow in the dark fish?
They were geneticly modified, and have jelly fish DNA in them - thats how they work, so does anybody? What are they like? they are illeagal here :(


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They were selling GM zebra danios here in the US a while back but I haven't actually seen any. They were brand named Glofish. Some of the states banned them.
The things people will do to fish (or animals in general) in the name of *cool* never cease to amaze me........ :( To genetically modify by inserting another animals DNA for no reason other than to make them "neat" is wrong, imo......right up there with dying and all the other crappy things we do to make something more interesting to us.......
I didnt mean to start a debate into whether it is right or not to have GM fish or anything G M i was just wondering if anyone had any of them? IMO it is ok because the animal dosent suffer and jellyfish glow (where they got the DNA from) so if theyre going to be looked after it is ok, if someone discovered an animal that cant get cancer and thought that they could geneticly modify humans so they dont get cancer would that be wrong??? some say it would but I don't, I wonder if they have experienced what cancer is like, or what it is like to have cancer in someone close to them?? doubt it, I havent and I dont want to,
Any way back to the subject please, Ive already had 2 posts blocked please dont make this the 3rd
I wasn't in any way trying to be rude or get into a debate about them, if that's what you are referring to. I thought they looked pretty cool too, but was just curious if they were injected or if that's how they are naturally born. If you were offended by my post, I am sorry. No hard feelings? :)
I was told bya LFS selling them that the glo danios had some invertebrate genes put in them. The color would intensify in the presence of less than pristine waters. Thus, the GM danios could be a visual indicator of water quality. Then, they were introduced into the aquarium hobby. Sounds fishy to me, anyone else heard this?

Btw, I didnt think they were that impressive to look at, thats how the whole conversation and explanation came about.
The head of the fish looks a little odd but I just thought that the fact that you could sit in a dark room and see the fish dart across the tank was pretty cool.
qwertie said:
I didnt mean to start a debate into whether it is right or not to have GM fish or anything G M i was just wondering if anyone had any of them? IMO it is ok because the animal dosent suffer and jellyfish glow (where they got the DNA from) so if theyre going to be looked after it is ok, if someone discovered an animal that cant get cancer and thought that they could geneticly modify humans so they dont get cancer would that be wrong??? some say it would but I don't, I wonder if they have experienced what cancer is like, or what it is like to have cancer in someone close to them?? doubt it, I havent and I dont want to,
Any way back to the subject please, Ive already had 2 posts blocked please dont make this the 3rd
oh by the way, if you think GM fish are cruel take a look at this
I wasnt talking to you I was talking to mandi , they are injected when they are embryos (they are born live) but when the first generation bred, their young were glow in the dark too, I would get them in the UK because they glow in the dark!!!! I cant give a different answer than they are cool, because they are, if they were hurt (like bonsai kittens) i would not want to buy them, but they are not hurt.
that site is soo gross. Cruelty to animals. My brother and myself have been having a debate lately about the cruelty of how farmers treat pigs (they are farmers and have pigs) and I find what they do absolutely sickening. But apparently, it is what everyone does. If pigs fight, they taser then or kick them on the side. I just can't believe it. But, like I said, apparently it is the norm in the farming business.

Sorry Qwertie, I don't mean to get off topic here.
good lord

thats terrible why the hello would they do that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? thats terrible!

and what kind of fish are those i really like them
Looking at those kittens makes me want to throw up. The cruelty. Why do people even do it? What is the advantage of having a kitten crammed into a teeny tiny glass box? And what is with the superglue?
well theres got to be baby piggies, otherwise there is no bacon 8O the thought of no bacon sickens me lol, pigs are strong things, theyve been bred from wild boars, you don't qwant to get in the way of one if its angry ( especially if is a boar)
tasers arnt around here (because they are illeagal mainly) ill PM you when I find out what they do here so you can tell your brother, maybe its nicer
and if theyre fighting all the time there is not going to be any baby piggies.
They don't fight all the time. But on occassion when two pigs will go at it, they will go in and tazer their (I don't know if it's appropriate to post without offending or having it bleeped) but lets just say the male parts. And if they don't have a tazer they will kick them on the side. They are crammed into those little pens and I always feel so bad when I see them. They are taken care of very well. It's actually a pretty high-tech place. Every so often (I believe every hour or half hour) water is automatically sprayed on the floors to clean off any waste and water sprays from the ceiling when it's hot to cool them off. The building has a sensor on it to where when the sun hits a certain spot, the shades close and when the sun isn't in the way, they will open, allowing for air to flow through the place. I'm very impressed with the place, just not how they treat the pigs. And for that raeson, I don't eat pork. I only eat beef on a rare occassion. Never veil. I am more of a veggie and fruit person.
I don't think the kitten thing was a joke which is truly disgusting!!!! I think the superglue was to stop the animal from going to the bathroom in the jar, bowl whatever the heck it is. I'm an animal LOVER. I love them all, (except some insects) How would those bonsai guys like it if we went over there, superglued the asses shut, crammed them in a 2'x2'x2' glass box and drilled a little hole to feed them with. Then we could leave them in there so they would take on a different shape. (I hope the shape for them would be a dead shape that fits well in a small deep hole....) gross, gross, gross. How could that even be legal. And the b.s about it doubling as a toy and a sit for the baby. Give me a break. I don't even know what else to say, that totally has ruined my day.... It makes me way too mad!!!!!
I think I will skip visiting that site, I'm glad I did not click on the link now! 8O

The genetically modified fish have some sort of jellyfish gene and often these fish are used in research for pharmaceuticals and other human studies that benefit people, and that is how they wind up with them - I don't believe they were originally intended to be used as ornamental fish, but they are marketable as such. Some research scientists can chime in here, but I believe this is what I read. Danios are often used in studies such as this.

I have never seen these fish, though I did see the red Glo-Fish at my lfs and they did not impress me with much glowing. They looked like zebra danios dipped in raspberry juice.
that site is truly disgusting. I threw up, course i think that was the food poisoning talking but still.. Honestly are the people in that site from the states.
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