Goby/Pistol Pair

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 30, 2004
I have [at least] 2 pistol shrimp in my tank. I actually pulled the rock they were in the other day while I was looking to pick off a crab that I had. Once I positively ID'd them as pistols I put them back. I'm considering a goby for these guys, but the pistols are harboring in some high up rock somewhere, nowhere near the sand. How will they find each other? My pistols are probably in the neighborhood of 1/4" little right now. Will the pairing work better when the pistols "grow up" some or is this a fine age to introduce the Goby? Are they less likely to form a relationship because there are 2-3 pistols in the tank?

the pistols are harboring in some high up rock somewhere, nowhere near the sand. How will they find each other?
Should not be a problem. It may take a day or two but they'll find each other.
or is this a fine age to introduce the Goby?
Perfectly fine.
Are they less likely to form a relationship because there are 2-3 pistols in the tank?
I'd say more likely, although there is no guarantee. FWIW, I've not had any issue getting two different gobies, a Randal's and a yellow watchman, to pair up w/ a pistol(the first was eaten by a green brittle star...). Knock wood LOL. HTH
Similar to the clown/anemone relationship, there is no way to predict if a goby and pistol will find each other. Your best bet is buying them as a pair from the LFS, or finding a goby that has been known to pair with a shrimp. Orange spots and yellow watchman are pretty good bets.
Becarful. Some pistol shrimps do not form a relationship with shrimp gobies, besure your pistol shrimp species will accept a goby.

Like Lando stated, the shrimp and goby might not find each other. I would suggest releasing the goby near where you think the shrimp resides to have a better chance.

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