gold Chinese algae eater?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 17, 2011
I have one in my 36 gallon and been reading about them, saying they're aggressive and don't eat algae? but mine gets along and seems to be eating the diatoms in my tank and cleaning my plants. Is there anything bad about these fish? they get very aggressive when they get older is what I was told. I just wanna know the pros and cons of this fish. Thanks.
When they are young they'll eat some algae here and there, but as thy get older they will get more and more aggressive and start eatin the slime coats of your fish. I'd have a back up plan just in case.
Would it be a good idea to seperate it now or later on?
How big is he?

Mine was fine and ate algae until he got bigger. Now he is 6" of terror :nono: and he does a poor job of algae control. He will randomly attack anything at anytime.

Look into Siamese algae eaters. I put them in my new tank and they are much better cleaners IMO. Plus they will eat some algae that the CAE's won't touch. They also can be kept in schools, unlike the CAE's.
Sparky74 said:
How big is he?

Mine was fine and ate algae until he got bigger. Now he is 6" of terror :nono: and he does a poor job of algae control. He will randomly attack anything at anytime.

Look into Siamese algae eaters. I put them in my new tank and they are much better cleaners IMO. Plus they will eat some algae that the CAE's won't touch. They also can be kept in schools, unlike the CAE's.

I'd say like an inch maybe? size of a pinky. And I don't think my petstores have sae. I've been wanting some otos but no luck.
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