Golden Dojo Loach Info Needed!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2012
I'm hoping to get a/some golden dojo loach(es) and I need info on what they require and any special needs.

Tank info:
40g tank (I don't have it yet)
Can't give water info

Unknown (pic below)

Other inhabitants:
Neon tetras
Will have more, maybe RCS

So, here are the main questions:
What kind of food do they eat?
Are they territorial, and is it just males or males and females?
Are there any special water requirements?
Are there any chemicals that can be toxic to the fish?
Are they hard to breed, and what are the requirements for that?
Do they need caves or special decor?
Will they eat m plants?
Do they eat fry/fish eggs?
Will they eat anything else? (algae?)
What is their temperament?
How big of a group do they like to be in?

I think that covers everything, but if there's something important that I missed, be sure to tell me what it is ^^
I have one in my 29 gal and he is by far my favorite fish. So full of personality.

They'll eat anything you normally feed your fish, but sinking foods are great and they love them. Not territorial whatsoever, a very peaceful fish that will be happier with more of their own kind. They actually prefer cooler temperatures but I have one in tropical temperatures and he does just fine. Any chemicals toxic to your other fish will be toxic to him. Although they are scaleless so keep that in mind if you use any medications. No idea about breeding. They are curious fish and caves are fun places for them to explore but aren't necessarily needed. They won't eat your plants. Not sure if they'll eat fry or eggs. Won't eat algae IME. They are very peaceful, adaptable, and hardy fish. Personally I only have one and he is super active and happy as far as I can tell, but with any loach they do like larger groups. Another thing is that they love to bury in the sand, like khuli loaches. I do have mine with gravel substrate so I don't believe it is absolutely necessary for you to have sand if you don't want to go that route.

Hope I have provided you with some good help. All my info is from my own personal experience.
Well your anwser was really great! You covered almost everything I asked! Thank you! And, so it doesn't become a repetitive thing, here's the questions I still need answers to(and some I added)

Breeding info?
Will they eat fry/eggs?
Will they get along with bristlenose plecos?
How big do they get maximum?
What size group is recommended?

Thanks for your input ^^
For size they can get up to 12 inches but normally they only reach 8-10 inches. Keep in mind that they are very thin, so it's much less drastic then a 12 inch pleco and will not have a bioload anywhere near. They'll get along with any fish as long as they're peaceful as well. As for a group, maybe four or five? It's really up to you and how many you want in your tank.

As for the rest, I'll leave that for someone else. :)
Well you are one smart cookie, I think I'll get one male and three females and watch what happens, because that's the usual mating set up that seems to work for fish! Unless im wrong about that? Someone do tell me!
Ha, all just from owning my own :p

Don't know if this is true, but I've read online that they are very difficult breeders.
Form what I have read they are difficult to get to breed in an aquarium...not impossible just difficult!

I have one in my tank and he is so much fun, he likes to bury himself in the sand all the time.

I do believe he ate my two smaller neon tetras, so you may want to be careful what you put with them. Mine is currently 6-7 inches long too so maybe if I got him when he was younger he wouldn't have eaten my neons...
I wish I had gone the sand route in my aquarium so that mine could bury himself!
Lol some times it looks like he is stuck, it's also fun to watch him sift the sand in his mouth and out his gills
I was thinking about using baking polymer clay to make my tank half gravel and half sand ^^

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