goldfish&bamboos for aqarium

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 13, 2010
deastville AL
:eating:do anybody know how to breed goldfish and how to sex them and do they only mate in ponds cause they say they mate in the early in the summer and in the spring and i think in the winter so will they mate in the tanks or just ponds and what does the water temputare has to be and is bamboo a water plant tht can just float or be planted in the gravel will any kind of goldfish breed like for instants a gold comet and a siberia gold fish with the spots mate with eachother or is it just by the color of goldfish will mate have a answer pleaze feel free to commet to this thread
in the breeder trap you can see my baby guppies
Your tank is way to small for those gold fish which look like comets. My comets will breed every spring but they are outside in a pond and each of them are about 8" long. Every goldfish needs about 20 gallons to himself. I have 8 goldfish and 2 16"+ koi in a 480 gallon pond and I still have to do a lot of maintenance.

Sexual differences only become evident in mature (4"+) fish and only when they are conditioned to breed and during breeding season. Generally it isn't feasible to breed large type goldfish like commons or comets or shubunkins in a tank. The males will all gang up on a single female and literally chase her around. I've had my females jump nearly a foot out of the water to escape the males.

Males will develop white tubes/bumps on their faces during the breeding season.
Agree, you need a BIG tank or a pond to contemplate breeding goldfish. Any goldfish will breed with another, but if you want the fish to retain its breed characteristic, you need ot breed Oranda with Orandas, etc.

Even with relatively pure bred fish stock, you still need to cull the fish. Only maybe 10% will resemble the parents in fancies. With commons, you will have more luck. But as Crepe said, they need to be big before they breed, and your tank is not really big enough to let them grow big.
i agree with both of them, what you need to do first is upgrade your tank to atleast a 30g breeder IMO, a regular 20g aint good enough... next thing you need to do if you are set on keeping them in a tank is get a pretty good filter, i suggest atleast a AC70, remember goldfish create A LOT of waste, if possible, get 2 AC50 instead of 1 AC70, much better

as for breeding, i aint sure but i do know that they are aggressive to the females when its time to breed
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