goldfish male or female

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 24, 2014
Hi I have two goldfish ones winter and one is sunny D. The only problem I have is how to tell if an goldfish is a male or female please tell with complete sentences and make it as a clear as possible. I have breeder fish before but not goldfish....

Happy fishing
Welcome to AA!!!

Goldfish can be difficult to sex even in ideal conditions. Do you know how old your fish are? How big are they? Breed?

At sexual maturity, goldfish can be vented. Males have a concave vent while females have a convex vent. Males will display breeding tubercles on their gill plates and pectoral fins and have a slimmer build (slim build does not apply to all breeds though). Females will appear rounder or even lopsided when viewed from above. Once again, this does not necessarily apply to all breeds.

Breeding behaviors can help to more specifically identify gender but this is not cut and dry as aggressive behaviors can be the result of numerous other issues. Basically, prior to sexual maturity, goldfish can be very difficult to sex. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask! :)
Welcome to AA!!!

Goldfish can be difficult to sex even in ideal conditions. Do you know how old your fish are? How big are they? Breed?

At sexual maturity, goldfish can be vented. Males have a concave vent while females have a convex vent. Males will display breeding tubercles on their gill plates and pectoral fins and have a slimmer build (slim build does not apply to all breeds though). Females will appear rounder or even lopsided when viewed from above. Once again, this does not necessarily apply to all breeds.

Breeding behaviors can help to more specifically identify gender but this is not cut and dry as aggressive behaviors can be the result of numerous other issues. Basically, prior to sexual maturity, goldfish can be very difficult to sex. If you
have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask! :)
thank you they are ordeandos I know a lot about goldfish its just that I have never tried breeding them before. I have a pic from the side if it will help and they are mature about 3 inches. I got them in October from the pet stores in 2013 they are mature.
Is your video posted on UTube or another sharing site that you can post a link to? Pics will work as well! :)
Let me post it on utube and how do u do a pic sorry forgoti

To post a pic, click on the 'go advanced' reply button. A new screen will pop up. At the top of the message box are a bunch of symbols. One is a 'paperclip'. Click this and you can download pics from your computer to be posted. You will need to post the UTube link (http://.....) in order for it to be viewed. Hope this helps! :)
OK will do. Oh and I am thinking of upgrading my ten gallon tank to either a 29 to 55 let's just see what mom says though lol.

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