Goldfish suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 24, 2014
Okey I have 2 oreando goldfish that are about 3 inches each and I want another any suggestions???

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Okey I have 2 oreando goldfish that are about 3 inches each and I want another any suggestions???

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

what size tank are they in?
is it cycled?
what are the water parameters?
what type of filtration?
50 and yes its cycled and filtration heavy

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

great! I like black moors, it would add some color variety to the tank too but its all up to your personal preference
OK thanks a bunch I love goldfish even though they are for beginners. I will do my research and tell you what I thinj

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
OK thanks a bunch I love goldfish even though they are for beginners. I will do my research and tell you what I think

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

you're welcome i agree they're beatiful, fun, active, and easy to take care of
Um problem they seem slow swimmers do you think if I got one I would have to hand feed it??? My fish are fast little fish

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Um problem they seem slow swimmers do you think if I got one I would have to hand feed it??? My fish are fast little fish

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
i think they would be fine together most fancies have similar swimming speed you should examine the fish before you buy it to see if you can find one that's pretty active even if he is a little slow hand feeding in my opinion is a great bonding experience! :)
thanks a bunch and I might be getting one fish hobby with goldfish should be taken a little bit more seriously!! People put them in bowls and do nothing hey guess what fish are just like any other pets and a lot easier to get into :) I have been keeping fish for 12 months

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Yep people don't realize fish are animals and not ornaments. Once you get your first fish tank you cant just have one! My parents bought me me first betta fish bowl two years ago after research i got my fish out of there and put him in a five gallon tank one thing let to another ... and today i have three 20 gallon tanks (running) and am hoping for a 75 g gor my birthday! :)
OK thanks a bunch I love goldfish even though they are for beginners. I will do my research and tell you what I thinj

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

I would suggest spending some more time researching and spending time talking to actual fancy owners and breeders. Fancies are certainly not 'beginner' fish despite the impression many stores and internet sites may press upon the public. Fancies actually require more work, commitment and care than the larger majority of tropicals.

I would honestly suggest waiting a year or so and see how your present orandas develop. Orandas have one of the largest growth potentials of fancy breeds and you may find that they are pushing the limits of the 50g in the future. The present world record holding fancy is an oranda named Bruce that measures over 18 inches. Please do not hesitate to ask questions! :)
OK I have been looking at some goldfish to get and the black moor looks like a handicap fish and swims slow and has Terrible eye sight

Sent from my HP 7 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
if you dont want a black moor or traditional oranda I think black and orange orandas are very pretty ... some more options would be fantail or veiltail goldfish :)
I would suggest spending some more time researching and spending time talking to actual fancy owners and breeders. Fancies are certainly not 'beginner' fish despite the impression many stores and internet sites may press upon the public. Fancies actually require more work, commitment and care than the larger majority of tropicals.

I would honestly suggest waiting a year or so and see how your present orandas develop. Orandas have one of the largest growth potentials of fancy breeds and you may find that they are pushing the limits of the 50g in the future. The present world record holding fancy is an oranda named Bruce that measures over 18 inches. Please do not hesitate to ask questions! :)

I agree that Fancy Goldfish is not a beginner fish. I bought goldfish specifically because I thought they were easy "beginner" fish, but it is hitting me real hard now.

1. requirement of BIG and expensive tank
2. requirement for BIG filters and BIG water changes
3. requirement of specific substrate that will not choke your goldfish
4. Not compatible with most of the algae eaters
5. Not compatible with most of the aquarium plants
6. Not compatible with most of the aquarium fish
7. Flakes not good food
8. Floating pellets not good food
9. Need to soak sinking pellet before giving it to goldfish

Maybe there are more but those are the problems I ran into for choosing goldfish as my first aquarium fish. I almost gave up on them because they restricted me so much, but they are pretty active and loves to swim around and I just couldn't give up on them:fish2:
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