Goldfish tank with plants?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2004
Irvine, CA USA
Hello everyone.

I got anothe quick question. I got a 75Gallon tank with Goldfishes in it, and I wanted to put some plants in it. What kind of plants would do well in a 1.68wpg tank with cheap subtrate? Also I wanted to make sure the Goldfish did not devour the plants like a salad bar. All ideas will be more than welcomed.

tks all for the info.
I've had success with the amazon sword plants. They don't need much light and will adapt to pretty much any light. I had a fantail and a black moor in the tank and they didn't touch it. That might be a good choice.
I always thought that the amazon swords require a good subtrate with fertilizers and they needed a lot of light? They don't need that much light? also, with cheap gravel, are you sure they will survive?
I use alot of Java fern in my low light tank. It requires very little light and no substrate. You tie the roots to driftwood or rock. I think this is a good choice of plant for goldfish because goldfish also tend to be gravel movers. :wink:
aaahh cool, java ferns, I hear they are fast growers as well. Plus I have read somewhere the the java ferns are bitter or something so goldfish doesn't like eating it, but I always thought that jave ferns were a high light type of plant, but if they grow in low light I guess I am safe.
Java fern grow in low light, and are not particularly fast growers, but are extremely hardy and adaptable, and, as BrianNY mentioned, you don't plant them in the gravel. I too have heard goldfish don't care for the taste of them, but Lance will know the answer to that, most likely!
I'm using some Hornwort right now.. I had attached it, but the Golds knocked it loose. They've also tried to eat it, but spat it right back out. Just floating in the aquarium, it seems to be growing fine, not a whole lot of light needed.

Considered a "weed" by some, it's turned out to be one of my favourite plants..
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