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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 29, 2003
The good news is ; my diatom bloom is over, The bad news is; I now have green haie algae. I use all R/O water for everything. I cut my halides down to 1- 2 hours last week to help out. I can scrape it off of the glass but I have it on 2 pieces of live rock. How do you get it off of the live rock? I have hermits (electric blue, and zebra hermits?) as well as three kinds of snails. I also have one royal gramms and a bicolor blennie. No one toches the hair algae. I have read a lot of material about checkiing phosphates etc. Any other suggestions?
Nitrates and Phosphates are usually the cause, however, not all algae from what I understand is a bad thing...If it takes over, then yes, real bad... I wouldn't cut the lights back too much, or you will harm the rest of the benificial things in the tank...I would drop back on feeding to maybe once a day, and then only enough that they can consume in 5 min. A skimmer can help to get rid of DOC, and regular water changes will get the Nitrate and Phosphate levels down... I have noticed about 3 different types of what I call hair algae in mine, and it is staying in certain spots.. I am monitoring it to see what happens...

BTW, an old tooth brush is a good tool to remove it off of the rocks...
You can also grab it with your fingers and pull the clumps off the rock fairly easy
Here are some pictures, I dont think it is that bad. I do have a skimmer and do not feed very much. Are these the same types? It seems to collect where the powerheads come out.
hair algea

Had the same in my tank a few months after I started. I would let it grow about an inch or so and then pull it out by hand, being careful not to let it stay in the tank. after a while it just quit growing. Its ok if it stays in one area, but you have to keep an eye on it and keep hanking it out when it gets over grown.
I had a real bad outbreak at one time and the only thing that really eats it well were some mexican turbo snails. They mowed right through it.
Should I change my lighting? I have my actinics on for 8 hours total, my halides on for 5 hours. :idea:
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