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Clown Monarch

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2004
Northwest Indiana
Republican-controlled government is a wonderful thing. A new law was just passed that imposes a $500,000 fine for anyone using the "F" word on public radio. Even if a caller says it and the station lets it slip, still a $500,000 fine. Doesn't matter what audience the show is intended for, still a $500k fine.

Now, in a country that routinely spends $200 billion of taxpayer money building a bridge in Alaska that leads to nowhere, the meaning of $500k gets lost. So let's put this in perspective. In terms of severity, dollar-wise, here's what you can do with $500k in America today:

1. As an independent accounting/auditing firm, you can conceal improprieties and obstruct justice pertaining to a major publicly-traded company - aiding in the destruction of hundreds of thousands of jobs, lives, families, and retirements.

2. Defraud government housing programs by skimming relief funds to build yourself a multi-million dollar oceanfront mansion while hundreds of your tenants live in uninhabitable conditions without plumbing or electricity.

3. As a trans-continental shipping company, you can illegally dump unknown quantities of oil and waste into the ocean - and falsify your Oil Record Book to conceal it.

4. Accidentally allow a radio-show caller's "F-bomb" to slip past screeners on "Sex Talk" at 2am.
When the FCC fines a TV or radio station for indecency, where exactly does the money go? Does the FCC somehow find an equitable way to distribute the fine money to all those in the viewing/listening area who were offended? Does it fund FCC public services and the enforcement of FCC policies? Or does it just trickle its way into the pork funding trough alongside our tax dollars?

I could ask the same question of any settlements that state attorneys general secure in the name of American consumers, but that would be way off-topic.
Does the FCC somehow find an equitable way to distribute the fine money to all those in the viewing/listening area who were offended?

If so, I really need to start getting more offended at things. It would be interesting to see where fine monies go.

In the dumping case #3 above, half the money went to a Portland Clean-up effort. Didn't mention the other half.
You gotta love that you can dump nuclear waste and only get fined 60,000 but say something someone decides is offensive and you get fined does that make any sense?

The best part if that there is no list of things you can or cannot say, it's all up to interpretation.

The last time Howard Stern received fines from the FCC, he was talking about a subject that Oprah also talked about. The conversation was the same on both shows, both using the same terms and wording around "sensitive" subject matter. The FCC decided not to go after Oprah because she is too popular and it would cause too big of a stir. This is what the FCC said. How is that right in any way, shape or form? If it's wrong for one its wrong for the other, period.
In my opinion, the American public gets "offended" by WAY to much stuff. No matter what you do, someone is offended. In regards to Howard Stern, I can't stand the guy. He is broadcast in St. Louis and his morning show, to me, is very boring and not entertaining. BUT, I don't call the FCC and complain about him. It's called Turning The Channel. If you don't like Stern, change it! It's as simple as that. If you don't want your 6 year old to hear a woman talking about her body parts, don't listen to it while you are driving them to school. It's ridiculous! People want to take the 10 Commandments out of a court house hallway in Alabama. Why? I, myself, am an Athiest, but I don't give a care if they are posted. The money that I earn says In God We Trust. I guess those people that are complaining about the 10 Commandments don't want the money that says In God We Trust printed on it. The FCC is getting way out of hand with giving fines. It all started with the whole Janet Jackson thing and will progres to the point that the only thing that is on TV will be the Brady Bunch. The news is too violent! Now they passed a law that says that you must be 18 to buy violent games. Do you REALLY think that a 10 year old goes into Toys R Us and pays for a $60 Play Station game? Heck no! The parents do. What's the point? And now our idiot Governor (D from IL) says that Video Poker is as addictive as Crack Cocain. WTH?!
FishyFan -

All those points you made require some level of personal responsibility. That's no fun. Personal injury lawsuits are far more lucrative.
the 500K isn't the final figure that will be decided on. They set it high and then decide on a much lower rate. As for radio stations letting a caller "slip", it is in the FCC guidelines that the radio station is responsible for anyone who's voice goes over air. On top of that, the majority of stations have 5-10 second delays just for that reason.

Now, the real reason why people should be getting mad is that this is no big deal for the big companies like Clear Channel and Viacom (and their smaller companies like Infinity). It will hurt smaller owners much more. Before they raised the price, the college station I work at now (WASU 90.5 ... <---we're streaming on the internet! okay, shameless plug is done) would have been shut down just because we couldn't afford the fines. Why is this a problem? Because if smaller companies suffer or have to be shut down, the larger companies will move in on those airwaves. This, as shown through deregulation (aka the devil), severely limits radio broadcast. All the stations are like cookie cutters with different music and DJs loose their job which is given to someone a state or two away who voice tracks everything. The station then looses its localness (is that a word?) and can no longer serve its public like it should. It is up to YOU, the public, to tell the FCC what YOU want because really the airways are owned by the public and broadcasters should do what YOU want. A lot of people don't understand that though.

As for where the money goes, I have no idea. I like to think it goes into public school education, but we all know that's a lie.

*edit* one other thing this bandwagon against "indecency" is causeing is what electronic media managers are calling the "chill affect." Basically there were really no defined laws set by the FCC, but there were a bunch of guidelines that TV and radio stations were self-imposing (kind of like the movie ratings). Only recently they've started ignorning those self-imposed guidelines. In return, the FCC is cracking down because the stations have stopped self regulating. So now programming is being "chilled" because managers don't want to suffer the consequences and since guidelines aren't yet established, managers are playing it safe. A good example would be the movie "Saving Private Ryan". About 3/5 of the stations that were origonally going to air the movie decided not to because of its content. Accept, that gruesome content is exactly what war is. The FCC did not penelize any of the stations that did air the movie uncut.
what idiot decided whats a "cus word"? i mean honestly saying crap could be a cuz word

or CorkScrew that could be a cus word. why does it have to be those words?? who decided that?
It does come down to personal responsibility, and it's sad that people would rather blame someone else. My uncle is a heart surgeon and he did a surgery on a 90 year old man. Before the surgery the man was in a coma and he told the family that he would most likely not survive the surgery. My uncle actually didn't want to do the surgery because he knew that the man would die. The family insisted and he went ahead with it. While in recovery (he survived the surgery) he had a blood clot and he died. The family then sued my uncle and won! These lawsuits are CRAZY! I agree with President Bush on the issue of frivelous lawsuits. I'm not saying that all lawsuits are. My best friends mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and the doctor removed the wrong one. That was the time to sue, not for $15 million, but it is certanly reasonable to sue to make your body the way it was before the surgery, and then money for pain and suffering. The doctor should then be penalized by a review board and after so many wrongful acts, should lose his license. I don't see what's wrong with that scenario.

I am getting a little off topic here, just replying to the Lawsuit comment.
Republican-controlled government is a wonderful thing. A new law was just passed that imposes a $500,000 fine for anyone using the "F" word on public radio

what about all the crap and foul language that is spewed from car speakers at about a million decibals that some people try to pass off as music? I guess I am just one of those stodgy old americans that get offended, why aren't there laws for that?

Republican-controlled government is a wonderful thing. A new law was just passed that imposes a $500,000 fine for anyone using the "F" word on public radio

what about all the crap and foul language that is spewed from car speakers at about a million decibals that some people try to pass off as music? I guess I am just one of those stodgy old americans that get offended, why aren't there laws for that?
agree with you completely Hara. As for the initial post, its about time someone puts the breaks on idiots like Stern, always wanting to see just how far they can push. Well, I guess they found out. I'm all for free speach, but a line need to be drawn somewhere.
Stern and others like him can only blames themselves, they are the reason for the crackdown.
Don't bother tryng to draw me in further, I have too much to do right now to be keeping up with this thread.
agree with you completely Hara. As for the initial post, its about time someone puts the breaks on idiots like Stern, always wanting to see just how far they can push. Well, I guess they found out. I'm all for free speach, but a line need to be drawn somewhere.
Stern and others like him can only blames themselves, they are the reason for the crackdown.
Don't bother tryng to draw me in further, I have too much to do right now to be keeping up with this thread.

Well, the thing is who decides where the line is? There are no standards in place and the FCC does not allow the fines to be taken to court and challenged. I still would like to know why an "idiot like stern" should be fined for saying the same thing as Oprah, but she doesn't because she is more main stream or popular? If you are gonna fine people it cant be selective it has to be across the board.

As far as the Saving Private Ryan thing, that's just absurd. The movie ran before unedited on network TV and there were no fines and it was no big deal. Now networks have to worry that what was okay 2 years ago is suddenly going to cost them half a million. And when asked if it was okay to air the movie unedited, then FCC commissioner Powell sad he didn't know, they had to wait and see. Wait and see for what? To see if you offend 3 people out of millions that will watch and dictate your fines off of that?

Now there is a congressman (from Ohio maybe?) that wants to but regulations on cable and satellite. Now they want to tell me what I am allowed to hear or see even when I pay for it?

If you listen real close you might be able to hear the founding fathers rolling over in there graves
Censorship is more offensive then what they are trying to censor here.
I want to know why on national tv you can say "son of a b****" but the word "s***" is bleeped out every time? I have watched plenty of movies that would be just as good without all the "language violations". I've never heard Howard Stern so I'll not coment on his style. I don't care what the FCC does, If I don't like a radio station because of content, I'll change it :roll: . It's that simple.
what about all the crap and foul language that is spewed from car speakers at about a million decibals that some people try to pass off as music? I guess I am just one of those stodgy old americans that get offended, why aren't there laws for that?

This does however bother me, you should not be able to "force" me to listen to your music (and I use the term loosley :roll: ", just as I should not be able to force you to listen to mine. These people don't know it but most will be deaf by the time they are 30 8O due to noise damage. The problem with that is then they will play it even louder, to get the same effect as when they could hear it. 8O
Why do they bleep out the "S" word on USA and allow the word G-DA**? To me that is the most repulsive curse word that can be said. I can handle just about anything, but if I hear anyone say GD around me, they are going to hear about it.
I agree, however I was just using the other as an example. I've got movies that I won't even watch cause of the GD word, but I won't sell them cause that's one less copy floating around for someone else to watch.
Why do they bleep out the "S" word on USA and allow the word G-DA**? To me that is the most repulsive curse word that can be said. I can handle just about anything, but if I hear anyone say GD around me, they are going to hear about it.

See, who decides whats offensive and what gives them the right? I'm not offended by the "S word" or by using the lord's name in vein.

What's more offensive...some one saying the"S" word or some one from the Klan going on a talk show and spouting there garbage for an hour? But, only one will get you a 500,000 dollar fine.
The "s-word" is actually listed as one of the few words that cannot be said on air. I'd list them all, but you can pretty much figure it out. G-D is not on that list and it is up to the discretion of the station. You'll see some stations that will allow it, but most don't unless it is during "safe harbor hours" which are between 10PM and 6AM (okay, I may be an hour off, my station doesn't allow for safe harbor hours because of the small knit community we live in and everything here has to be g-rated...which is annoying because our main target audience is the university.) Basically safe harbor hours allow station to be a little more relaxed. Radio stations are also trying to push the line with the allowence of curse words in music, saying it is part of the musicians work and taking it out limits free speech. :roll: However, they really are just trying to be competitive with Satellite. (same thing with regular TV, and basic cable... they have to compete with all the HBO, STARZ, etc...)

As for Howard Stern, if you have ever really listened to him, you will see he is in NO WAY like Oprah Winfrey and the reasons for the fines the FCC slaps on him is for his language and the content his show normally airs (which almost always includes trying to get a stripper to take off clothes...and that isn't the worst part). What exactly was he talking about that apparently Oprah was to? Honestly, I highly doubt he was using the same care because he blatenly disregards the rules, it is his "thing to do."

Right now the FCC is becoming stricter because stations, both radio and TV, have stopped selfregulating. The initial guidelines were unclear in the past (and still are) because that was how the stations wanted it. You can compare it to a curious child. Stations have been testing their boundries and ignoring their promise to self regulate and now the FCC is reacting. Do I like it? No. But is it only the FCC's fault? No.
" but I won't sell them cause that's one less copy floating around for someone else to watch."

8O I know it is your own personal belief, and I'm not going to argue that you are wrong a point. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have the right to prevent someone else from liking it. Walmart is a perfect example. They will edit or refuse to carry music. If the musician doesn't want to edit their work, Walmart refuses to sell. Walmart takes up nearly 80% of the music market and through their monopoly, they squash out any one they don't want. I'm not just talking about curse words, but also musicians who talk about politics and other real-life situations. This is stuff that could be really inspiring to listen to, but because Walmart doesn't like it, it isn't sold or it is severely edited.

Another true life story. My Journalism teacher became a reporter because when she was growing up, she was always in the public library (small town with nothing to do). She noticed that a lot of pages were neatly cut out or just single words or paragraphs had been removed. She found out that the librarian was going through all the books with an exacto knife and cutting out what she thought shouldn't be in there! I'm not talking about pornography but stuff like National Geographic and actual scientific stuff. It is crazy.

I know you not selling a movie doesn't have the exact same effect, but it really does parallel those examples.
As for Howard Stern, if you have ever really listened to him, you will see he is in NO WAY like Oprah Winfrey and the reasons for the fines the FCC slaps on him is for his language and the content his show normally airs (which almost always includes trying to get a stripper to take off clothes...and that isn't the worst part). What exactly was he talking about that apparently Oprah was to? Honestly, I highly doubt he was using the same care because he blatantly disregards the rules, it is his "thing to do."

I do listen to Howard Stern regularly (right now as a matter of fact). Is he like Oprah, no. Is the conversation he had that he was fined by the FCC most recently identical to the one on Oprah's show, yes. What does it matter what the content of the show is on a day to day basis...if they say the same thing even that one time and one gets fined they both should be. That would be the only fair thing to do. If it's wrong for him to say something it's just as wrong for her.

You'll see some stations that will allow it, but most don't unless it is during "safe harbor hours" which are between 10PM and 6AM

To me that safe hour thing is a sham. Case in point would be that Love Line show...seems like almost every caller on the show is underage. They can talk about "risque" topics because of the time slot, but the show is geared to and listen to by the people the safe hour time is supposed to be "protecting".
Walmart is a perfect example. They will edit or refuse to carry music. If the musician doesn't want to edit their work, Walmart refuses to sell. Walmart takes up nearly 80% of the music market and through their monopoly, they squash out any one they don't want. I'm not just talking about curse words, but also musicians who talk about politics and other real-life situations. This is stuff that could be really inspiring to listen to, but because Walmart doesn't like it, it isn't sold or it is severely edited.

That's why I will pay more to buy a CD some where else then to buy one at Wal-Mart. I wish I had the conviction to not buy anything at all from them, but it's a start.
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