Gourami with parasites?

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I lost my two neon blue dwarf gourami's and i suspect it was to internal parasites.
My red one had some white poo hanging from it yesterday, kinda stringy, bu the seems active and healthy, and he eats good (man he loves carrots) I also have two female dwarf gouramis that seem healthy.

I am afraid to treat him for parasites because i don't want to hurt my angle fish or any of my other fish. should I QT him and treat him? or should i treat the entire tank? i have some Jungle Parasite Clear fizz tabs that will treat the tank but im also worried about my live plants and biological fitler.
Sounds like tape worms or hex. Try praziquental first then do a full metro treament in a QT tank. Prazi wont hurt your plants
Jungle Parasite Clear has Praziquantel in it, I do believe. It does have an antibiotic in it as well, however, so you're right to be concerned about your biological filter. In my experience, I've used Jungle Parasite Clear without ever starting a mini-cycle and it won't hurt your plants.

yeah, it has praziquantel, metronidazole, and acriflavin. I put the reccomended dose in for the 55 gallon. and it said to do a 25% water change in 48 hours and repeat the dosage.
To answer your question about the whole tank.... treat the whole tank. If you don't, then your other fish will be prone to also pick up the parasite.

I've had excellent luck with the Jungle Anti-parasitic foods.
Thanks, its not teh anti-parasitic food, its the tabs, and i am treating the whole tank.
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