Gravel or sand

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 13, 2011
New York
So I'm trying to find out which is better gravel or sand? I'm new to this fish thing and I'm learning as I go I have gravel right now but I'm finding that EVERYTHING (food and poop) sinks. When I do the water changes it seems to stir everything up and makes the tank look dirty. So would sand be better. And I don't have any algae eaters well I just got 2 little snails but should I get some thing like the catfish that eat off the bottom.
well it depends every1 one has their own opinion i like the look of sand plus all the food stays at the top but might be a little bit difficult to clean at the begging i mean u will be sucking sand everytime but at the beginning u will be sucking alot more and with gravel u wont suck anything and sand looks more natural imo
It depends on what kind of habitat your fish need. What kind of fish do you have?
I'm new too. I changed from gravel to sand today. Lots of work washing the sand, but well worth it looks wise. My red tail shark and Cory cats were all lovin it. At least they seem happy.
I have 2 mollies, peacock eel, clown knife, sunburst, dwarf gourami
If you have sand and bottom feeding fish how often would you have to REALLY clean the sand?
Ok so once a week I do the partial water change and that's when your saying to clean the sand? I think I'm really just not understanding. So I have this vacuum thing that I got today and it just sucks up some rooks and water and then the rocks fall back down so is that really cleaning or should I be doing something more then that I just really don't feel as if I'm getting the tank as clean as I should when I look at other peoples tanks theirs seem so much cleaner then mine
with sand u need to be about 1/4 inch from the top of the sand so it wokt get sucked in but remember it might not be 100 clean looking but what ur water test kit results look good u should be fine, also get the api freshwater master kit its one of the best
I have 2 mollies, peacock eel, clown knife, sunburst, dwarf gourami

I'm no expert but I don't see the mollies lasting long with a clown knife.. How large is your aquarium?

I personally prefer sand to gravel, it's much easier to suck up excrement and leftover food. And it definitely looks much nicer. I actually churn my sand just a bit when doing PWC (with gravel vaccuum) to avoid 'dead spots'. The amount of sand that actually gets sucked up is minimal (less than a teaspoon!). Your peacock eel will thank you for the sand (if that's what you decide).
also get the api freshwater master kit its one of the best

AGREED! I started by using strips.. It's actually cheaper to get the API Master Kit and its MUCH MUCH MUCH more accurate. 800 tests for ~$40 or 25 tests for ~$25.. Not to mention more healthy and happy fish.

Strips are okay for testing pH and that's about it.. I sent my tank into a mini cycle awhile back and had no idea :facepalm: Everything's alright now. Just watching your fish isn't enough to know that they're okay.. They may be dead before exhibiting discomfort.
I have a 72gal. Im really learning as I go I have had to take 2 fish back and I'm about to do the same with the clown knife I wasn't told about some fish being mean and when I got the tank I had gotten some mean ones I have a Molly that is about to give birth so I have to send the clown knife back before that happens. I think I'm going to go with the sand I do like the way it looks but no one has really said if I should have some kind of bottom feeder. And if I should what should I get
yeah same here but if u really like a fish or something for ur tank ill advice to ask here and do some google research, that way u save on money and headaches never be an impulsive buyer, that happened to me and it cost me thousands i didnt research somethin and i got a fish for my sw reef tank and well he stressed all my fish he gave them ich and ate most of my corals
You need to get a gravel vac. Use the gravel vac to clean gravel while sucking out water. When you re fill w water you can put a ceramic plate on the bottom and pour the water on the plate so the plate takes the force
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