Green cory catfish listless at bottom

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 10, 2013

I am currently starting a new tank. I began cycling the water four days ago. Last night I added 5 neon tetras but they were all dead this morning (stuck to the filer :( ). The guy at petsmart tested my water and told me it was fine and that the neon tetras can die for no reason. He suggested adding a little primer just to make sure, which I did. He also told me to get Green Cory catfish because they are a hardier fish (I got two and a live plant). I introduced the fish by leaving the bag in the water for 15 minutes, adding a bit of water from my aquarium into the bag, waiting another fifteen minutes, repeating that step again, and then waiting 15 minutes before adding the fish (but not the water to the tank). Now the fish are listless at the bottom (one was swimming quite actively before). They are surfacing occasionally to take a gasp of air at the top. I am sure my tank is well oxygenated though because I have an aerator running. The dorsal fins of both fish are raised. Is this behavior normal? I am worried because my other fish died and I have no idea why. I want to make sure these new fish are able to survive. I appreciate any suggestions!!
Sorry about your fish. By any chance did you wash the tank or anything in it with soap before you set it up? I was always told that soap residue will hurt fish by irritating their gills and to never use it on anything going in the tank.
Thank you for getting back to me.
I am sure there is no soap in the water. I got the tank from my sister before she had cleaned it and I just washed it with a moist paper towel.

I was cycling the water with a bacterial starter, which I thought would speed up the process. It is a 37 gallon tank.

Update: I woke up this morning and turned the light on to check on the fish. I was very happy they are still alive!!! Also, when I fed them, they ate the food, foraging and occasionally (I crumbled like sinking algae discs). I am very happy they ate and hopefully this is a sign that they were stressed upon entering the tank but are feeling better now. They are still pausing occasionally but I read online similar accounts of green cory cats staying still for a while, then moving, then staying still. I also read that these fish are happier when they are in a school. Could it be that they are depressed because they need more friends? I don't want to add more fish just to have all of them die though.

Right now, my number one priority is keeping the fish alive. Should I test the water again? What else do i need to do?
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cobriaclord said:
Thank you for getting back to me.
I am sure there is no soap in the water. I got the tank from my sister before she had cleaned it and I just washed it with a moist paper towel.

I was cycling the water with a bacterial starter, which I thought would speed up the process. It is a 37 gallon tank.

Update: I woke up this morning and turned the light on to check on the fish. I was very happy they are still alive!!! Also, when I fed them, they ate the food, foraging and occasionally (I crumbled like sinking algae discs). I am very happy they ate and hopefully this is a sign that they were stressed upon entering the tank but are feeling better now. They are still pausing occasionally but I read online similar accounts of green cory cats staying still for a while, then moving, then staying still. I also read that these fish are happier when they are in a school. Could it be that they are depressed because they need more friends? I don't want to add more fish just to have all of them die though.

Right now, my number one priority is keeping the fish alive. Should I test the water again? What else do i need to do?

What's your water change schedule? Sounds to me like high ammonia. Adding that bacteria won't instant cycle your tank, regardless of what the LFS told you. A cycle typically takes 1-3 months to fully complete. You need to be doing large daily sometimes twice daily if needed to keep the ammonia and nitrite under .25 ppm. Do you have a test kit? If you don't, get one. The strips the LFS uses are inaccurate do you need to invest in the API liquid master test kit.
I havent had the tank long enough to have a water change schedule yet; I figured i only had to change it once a week. Where can I get this liquid master test kits (preferably cheaply)?
I havent had the tank long enough to have a water change schedule yet; I figured i only had to change it once a week. Where can I get this liquid master test kits (preferably cheaply)?

Check amazon and eBay, I think around $20 on amazon.
I havent had the tank long enough to have a water change schedule yet; I figured i only had to change it once a week. Where can I get this liquid master test kits (preferably cheaply)?

I did a fish in cycle and it took two months. As stated before you need to be doing daily water changes. Also cories need to be in groups of 5+ however now wouldnt be the time to get more fish, you need to wait till your cycled.
how do i know when i am fully cycled?

also, i did a 10% water change and the fish were swimming a lot more...
cobriaclord said:
how do i know when i am fully cycled?

also, i did a 10% water change and the fish were swimming a lot more...

Your tank is cycled when your ammonia and nitrite both are 0 and you water will then have nitrates. Nitrates you want to keep under 20 ppm. Some people say 40 ppm but IME fish begin to stress at levels that high. I do weekly 50% pwc on all my tanks. During a fish in cycle 10% just isn't enough to combat the build up if toxins. For fish in cycle be prepared to do daily 50% pwc until the cycle is complete. Your other option if you can't keep up the daily changes would be to return the fish and do a fishless cycle.
I am getting a test kit at the pet store. I only have a 5 gallon bucket so i dont know how i can take out 50% of the water at a time... I was planning on testing and doing water changes as needed. I have no problem doing a huge water change...the main problem is I don't know how to approach it. Should I take out half the water, add the next half and then add primer? How do I do that with a 5 gallon bucket. Also, I have a gravel siphon. Should I be siphoned the gravel or the water more towards the top? Thanks!
Cleaning gravel is fine. When I had buckets I just would drain into bucket and empty and repeat until the 50%. Then you condition your tap in the bucket before adding to the tank. You can take all the water at once and then refill all at once. Just turn off filters and heaters and what not. Make sure you keep the filter media wet or the bacteria will die.

And actually since you have fish vacuuming gravel will help take out waste and improve water quality
My city adds ammonia to the tap water. Do I need to do something different because of this?

Also, do i add the amount of primer to each bucket? Won't that get really imprecise?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.
cobriaclord said:
My city adds ammonia to the tap water. Do I need to do something different because of this?

Also, do i add the amount of primer to each bucket? Won't that get really imprecise?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

Depends on the concentration of ammonia in the tap. What conditioner do you use. You could treat the whole tank but if treating the tank and not the new water you have to dose for the entire tank and that gets wasteful. For prime I think every thread on the cap treats 10 gal. I've got a 10 gal that even when I do pwc on that at 50% I dose the 5 gal at the 10 gal dose. And during cycling double dosing won't hurt since prime also detoxifies ammonia.
I use seachem Prime. I'm off to get a new bottle plus a water test kit (API Master kit was recommended to me).

How often should I test the water? What should I look out for? Is the 50% water change necessary regardless of the test results?

My sister has a goldfish tank. Should I use her filter or gravel to make my tank cycle faster? Any other ways I can make the tank cycle faster? My temp is at 78 degrees. Should I make it hotter or colder? I'm pretty sure I shouldn't go over 80 with my type of fish.

Also, my fish are swimming a lot more today, which is great news.
cobriaclord said:
I use seachem Prime. I'm off to get a new bottle plus a water test kit (API Master kit was recommended to me).

How often should I test the water? What should I look out for? Is the 50% water change necessary regardless of the test results?

My sister has a goldfish tank. Should I use her filter or gravel to make my tank cycle faster? Any other ways I can make the tank cycle faster? My temp is at 78 degrees. Should I make it hotter or colder? I'm pretty sure I shouldn't go over 80 with my type of fish.

Also, my fish are swimming a lot more today, which is great news.

I would test ammonia and nitrites daily. You want to keep ammonia and nitrite under .25 with fish in. Yes if you can get some media from another filter that's on a cycled tank it will halo speed it up. Unless your reading 0 ammo and nitrite I still recommend the daily pwc just to keep them from building up while your gone or whatever the case is. If they are under .25 you could do say a 25% pwc instead of the 50 though. Temp is fine. I keep my community tank at 80 and my corys are all healthy.
cobriaclord said:
I use seachem Prime. I'm off to get a new bottle plus a water test kit (API Master kit was recommended to me).

How often should I test the water? What should I look out for? Is the 50% water change necessary regardless of the test results?

My sister has a goldfish tank. Should I use her filter or gravel to make my tank cycle faster? Any other ways I can make the tank cycle faster? My temp is at 78 degrees. Should I make it hotter or colder? I'm pretty sure I shouldn't go over 80 with my type of fish.

Also, my fish are swimming a lot more today, which is great news.

Also API liquid master test kit. Not sure if all petco do but I was at one last night they're on sale for 23 bucks. And continue using seachem prime IMO its best bang for the buck.
I got the API master kit (24$ for me) and a big bottle of Prime.

Tested my water: my nitrites were 0 and my ammo was around ~.25. Did a 15% pwc. (It makes sense to me to do a couple water changes a day rather than a big 50% pwc which might shock the system. As long as I keep a close eye on the numbers this should be fine, right?) I'll be sure to test daily. My fish seem much more active than the ones at petsmart, who were all staying still at the bottom like mine were yesterday. Right now, they are swimming along together.

My tank was cloudy a few days a few days ago and is crystal clear now. I'm hoping thats an indication that bacteria has blossomed. Thats probably just wishful thinking though.

Also, when I siphon my water, i get some of the tank water in my mouth. Thats not bad, right?

Thanks for all your help.
Oh also, how do I clean the test tubes in my API kit? I just rinsed with tap water a few times and put the test tube in the holder upside down...
cobriaclord said:
I got the API master kit (24$ for me) and a big bottle of Prime.

Tested my water: my nitrites were 0 and my ammo was around ~.25. Did a 15% pwc. (It makes sense to me to do a couple water changes a day rather than a big 50% pwc which might shock the system. As long as I keep a close eye on the numbers this should be fine, right?) I'll be sure to test daily. My fish seem much more active than the ones at petsmart, who were all staying still at the bottom like mine were yesterday. Right now, they are swimming along together.

My tank was cloudy a few days a few days ago and is crystal clear now. I'm hoping thats an indication that bacteria has blossomed. Thats probably just wishful thinking though.

Also, when I siphon my water, i get some of the tank water in my mouth. Thats not bad, right?

Thanks for all your help.

Yea you could do a few smaller changes a day. I just find it easier to do one big one though. But then again I've got a 125 gal a 72 gal and a 10 so multiple pwc just isn't realistic for me. I've never had an issue at 50% as long as you match temp and use prime you won't have issues. .25 is good though now just keep it there or less. I get water in my mouth all the time and I haven't grown any extra eyes or nipples or anything so I'd say your fine lol. Just don't swallow it

Your welcome. I'd rather take time to help than see someone get discouraged and give up. But your definitely on the right path to getting it all worked out.
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