Green Water

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Are you saying the water is all green, or is it on the sides/substrate/rock?
How old is your tank?
What are you water parameters? Ammonia, nitrItes, nitrAtes and phosphates?
Yes, the water is all green. The sides and substrate are clean.
My tank is 2 months old. I have 16# of LR and 20 # of LS. Its a 20 gallon.
My Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is0, Nitrate is <10, and I dont have a phosphate test.
I was using tap water. Then about 3 weeks ago I switched to RO. Its getting better...but I cant stand the green lol.
You can run carbon in it, that should clear it up some. I would do a few PWCs with your RO as well.
I do run carbon in it. I have been doin PWCs, 3 gallons with RO water.
It is less green and more white now.....but I cant get it any better.
Black out your tank for a few days, keep the lights off and throw a sheet over it. That'll fix it. then you just have to try to fix your underlying excess nutrient problem.
if I black out my tank, will my anemone get hurt??
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Sounds like it could be some free-floating algae. More PWC will be in order using a good quality RO/DI water. Also, you may want to test for PO4.
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