Hagen/Nutrafin Aquaplus

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 4, 2003
Most of my lfs swear by this. I been using it since my 1st tank since its been recommend by every lfs i know (except a pro 1 which they just smile at me when i ask their opinion....).

But lately i started to have sceptical view on these type of chemical. The only chemical that i still have confident is those that used for disease treatment.

To test my theory,I stop using Aqua+ for 1 of my tank for 1 1/2 month, it seems there is not more different with or without Aqua+ (in term of fih health, chemical reading and fish behaviour). Then why would we want to buy this tonic in 1st place !!!!!

Any opinion or advise?

:D :?:
Clean water is what they really want. just use a dechlorinator maybe a little salt if the fish appreciate it.
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