Hard Algae...Not sure about the name!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 30, 2010
South Wales, UK
I have that hard, dot algae all over the front of my tank and Coffeefolia anubias. It's got so bad that most leaves of the anubia's are nearly covered with it. It would break my heart to cut off the leaves, as I've had this plant since last Christmas and its given off about 6 leaves since... very slow grower. I've tried scraping it off the glass but there is too much and it just doesn't budge, also I've tried excel but still nothing. I was wondering if there are any other methods you could suggest, that will get rid of this pesky algae.

Thanks :)
If it is green spot algae alot of times nerite snails eat it. I had a bit on some crypt parva, alittle starting on the glass, alittle on an anubia and once I added a few nerites they cleaned it up. On your tank, if it's glass (not an acrylic tank) sounds like you are going to have to get a razor blade and scrape it off. If it's as heavy as you say no amount of nerties are going to be able to clean it up. When I had this issue I did some reading and found info stating low phosphate was one of the reasons it happens. I upped my PO4 to 1ppm in that tank along with a few nerites and that seemed to correct it. I also reduced the amount of time my lights were on, went down to 8 hours.
It is very heavy. I forgot about nerite's. If they eat algae does that mean my plants will be damaged too?

The blade technique I've tried and it does nothing. I'm disappointed in myself for letting it get so bad. It only started when I started to use Excel.

Is there something I can buy that will get rid of the GSA? Something specifically made for algae?

Thanks for your help :)
Nerites won't damage plants and are the only snails/fish that can actually eat GSA. You'd be best using a razor blade on the tank glass because the nerites can only eat so much and you want them to go to the plants. Don't buy any chemicals. I had some GSA shortly after I set my last tank up and I spot treated with Excel first and it seemed the nerites really went to work on the plant leaves.
Excel doesn't seem to clear up any of my algae and thats what I initially bought it for. How many nerite's do you think I'll need for a 12UK gallon? Its mainly the walls and coffeefolia that have the algae and if I clear the front of the tank with a bit of elbow grease, they'll just have their work cut out for them on the anubia's.

Thanks for your help :)
Excel doesn't seem to clear up any of my algae and thats what I initially bought it for. How many nerite's do you think I'll need for a 12UK gallon? Its mainly the walls and coffeefolia that have the algae and if I clear the front of the tank with a bit of elbow grease, they'll just have their work cut out for them on the anubia's.

Thanks for your help :)

I'd do maybe 5 nerites. Do you actually pull the Excel up in a syringe and directly spot treat the algae? Just putting it in the water doesn't work. You can also spot treat for a couple days if needed. Just pull up the entire dose for your tank in a syringe and get as close to the affected leaves as possible and slowly squirt the excel right on the algae.
No. I have never done that method before. It sounds like a great idea :) Atleast they won't go hungry in my tank. Now the tricky part starts...trying to find some of these snails lol.
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