Harliquin Rasboras

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 8, 2005
manchester uk
Has anyone here had any experience of breeding Harliquin Rasboras?
If so advice and tips would be greatly appreciated as I am hoping to breed my rasboras.
They are in the breeding tank, they have been there for over a week now and I have tried my usual routine with them to no avail.
They have been courting and such but they never seem to mate.

Thank you guys.
Rasboras are egg anchorers. They prefer to lay their eggs on the underside of a broad leaf plant such as an Amazon Sword. Are you providing this type of spawning medium? :wink:
Yes there is two amazon swords plants in there, a Java Ferm, small amout of Java moss and a curverd peice of wood for hiding.
I am wondering maybe they are lonely and scared because they are used top being in a busy community tank with more of thier kind.
Although these are very hardy fish, they aren't the easiest to breed. Temperature isn't critical but soft acidic water is. They need to be well conditioned with live foods. Subdued as opposed to bright lighting. There should be enough open swimming space for the ritual chase. Two males per female is the preffered ratio.

Keep us posted. :wink:
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