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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 19, 2006
Hey guys...we just got a couple of new corals and we're having a couple of issues with the one (Sarcophyton sp/toadstool). We've tried to put it in between rocks *it is also rather big* and so far seems to be pretty stubborn and won't stick. Is there any other ways of doing this and how long will it take for that one to root itself? (All the other corals we've gotten so far were fine). Well that's all we've got so far, and if we've got any other questions, we'll add them here. Thanks a lot guys =)
They can be a bit stubborn sometimes. When I got mine, I stuffed (literally) the stalk into a hole in the liverock. It took about a week before it expanded and attached. You could try piercing it with a toothpick, then wedging the toothpick into the rock to hold it in place. Or, a needle and some cotton thread and "sewing" it to the rock may help. Just don't pull the thread to tight because it will just slice through the coral and the coral will fall. Let it a little loose. HTH
Where on the base do I put the toothpick...this coral has been through hell so im trying to make this as easy as possible. So toothpick it right at the base or 1/2 an inch up...through the side or through the middle I dont know. So please someone help me!
Stick the tooth pick in the rock with some glue if you want and set the toadstool on the toothpick. The tooth pick will go in on the underside of the foot. HTH
I spear it through the side, angled down toward the base and into the rock.
Well I did the toothpick thing...meh didnt like it to much but I came through by buying some expoy type putty by marineland for aquarium use so that is all covered and while I was buying that 4 or 5 more corals managed to sneak there way into my bag hahahah...people tell me "they just kind of do that..." lol
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