Hello from Texas

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2009
Its been 20 years since I had my own tank. I currently own a 20g freshwater tank. I wish I would have followed my gut regarding fishless cycling, but was talked into the alternative by a local aquarist. So I am currently at 0 amm and nitrite spikes doing 25% h2o changes every other day and waiting it out. I have 2 zebra danios (one didn't make the ammonia stage), and 1 panda cory (same on ammonia stage) and 3 ghost shrimp. After the cycle is over I plan to get one more danio and at least 2 more cories. My poor cory thinks he is a danio and schools with them for now. Its really strange. Due to the fact that I have a live planted tank, I also have pond snails. I have hard water, which they love, so I am cultivating them into a 2.5g tank for my future Masters Thesis research. I also have a beta tank. I look forward to meeting and learning from all of you
Welcome Ivy. You are not alone with the cycling. That's how I ended up here. A great group with a lot of help. Glad for another Betta keeper. I have two and am growing very fond of them. I've run out of room for more or I'd probably be over run with them.
Glad to know I am not alone, but not glad you have to go through that too.:) It will be nice getting to know everyone here...
Where do you reside?
A lot of Texans think the town I live in is the "armpit of Texas"

El Paso

I've never been to el paso, but the friends I have there like it a lot. I currently live on Fort Hood, think thats a good nine hours. lol
Hope the weather is better in El Paso today than it is here :D
Hope the weather is better in El Paso today than it is here :D

I gravel vacced and tested tank water earlier.
I just went to Wally world to pick up some "grandson supplies"
you know an actionfigure, Doritos, etc.

It's a little cool out. But when I pick him up at kindergarted this afternoon, it'll be nice kite flying weather.

Have a super great day
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