Help! Betta Fish is Sick!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 13, 2013
Burbank, CA
Hi guys. I have a betta fish in a 1 gallon bowl right now and its starting to look sick. It does not swim around anymore and just sort of lies on its side in a corner of the gravel floor. It barely comes up for food now and when it does it has a lot of trouble finding the food and after a couple tries at it just gives up and sinks back down. Its fins are starting to lose color and are becoming clear. I have noticed these symptoms for over a month and its getting worse. I do have a heater in the tank and I do weekly water changes of 25%. I have tried a little bit of bacterial/fungus medication and now trying ich medicine but it doesn't seem to have helped. I have had the fish for over a year now and Im kinda attached to it. Im really worried so can anybody dianose this ASAP. Please respond fast as it is getting worse. Thanks in advance!
Try changin more water more often ... I normally do 100% WC once a week in tht kind of bowl
I have done 100 % water changes every month or so because I speculated that it would stress him out too much if it was every week. But thanks In will try that and see how it goes. And are you sure thats the reason. Any other Ideas?
Not really does he eat well? I had a Betta die recently I had got from Petsmart... Only had it a week it looked perfectly fine than less than a week after I got him he died overnight no warning

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