help finding Malawi Crab for Cichlid tank!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 25, 2012
Reno, NV
I really want a Malawi blue crab (Potamonautes orbitospinus) for my cichlid tank but cant seem to find much info on them or anywhere that sells them. If anyone knows of a place let me know!! And thanks for any info you have

Here is a video so you can see what it is in case you dont know what it is. I didnt know what they where until yesterday

Malawi Crab (Potamonautus orbitospinus) - YouTube
That's bad a$$. I kinda want one now but idk how much I would like it if I found one of my $40 cichlids in those claws
I know a few people that had them and they never lasted. Also I believe a member here had one it was blue but if I recall they had problems with it and there fish.

Also they will go after sleeping fish if hungry enough. I was gonna do it and had the place and everything. I later opted out. If you want I'll try and fish the site that has them. If it were me though I wouldn't do it unless I had a HUGE tank.
I am interested in crabs too but those things get to big for me. Another user said red claw crabs were alright with his africans so I'm checking them out
I know a few people that had them and they never lasted. Also I believe a member here had one it was blue but if I recall they had problems with it and there fish.

Also they will go after sleeping fish if hungry enough. I was gonna do it and had the place and everything. I later opted out. If you want I'll try and fish the site that has them. If it were me though I wouldn't do it unless I had a HUGE tank.

yea I'm upgrading to a 100+g tank here soon and was thinking of putting one in there with my cichlids, or just use one of my old 55g tanks that is just laying around a add a couple big non aggressive fish in with it and see how it goes. if you find out the site let me know
yea I'm upgrading to a 100+g tank here soon and was thinking of putting one in there with my cichlids, or just use one of my old 55g tanks that is just laying around a add a couple big non aggressive fish in with it and see how it goes. if you find out the site let me know

Will do...
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