Help have no power

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 30, 2011
Have no electricity don't want my fish to die. What can I do. I have a small air pump with air rock in it if any one can give me an idea would be great
Keep an eye on your temperature, pH, ammonia, and nitrite. You can siphon water out and pour back in to aerate as well. Try to avoid feeding while the power is out and you should be okay.
Eddieftw3 said:
Have no electricity don't want my fish to die. What can I do. I have a small air pump with air rock in it if any one can give me an idea would be great

How long has it been off ?! And I heard to leave your hood open if you have one , not sure if that's true , and you could run out to LFS and get a battery powered pump for now ( if possible ) . Sorry I can't help to much I'm still learning .
Rutrag said:
Keep an eye on your temperature, pH, ammonia, and nitrite. You can siphon water out and pour back in to aerate as well. Try to avoid feeding while the power is out and you should be okay.

I was just going to add that ..... Just forgot about that ... Good thinking... Can't he also take a siphon hose and let it hang out and blow into it every half and hour .... For some reason I thought we did that to are 75 g salt tank when we got big storms in and the power went out.
Keep the top of the tank open. Also, have any surface agitation that you can. You can move your little aquarium net across the tip of the water for gas exchange.
They have little chargeable battery packs you could plug your filter/powerhead cord in to. Not that you could charge one up now but maybe for the future.
You can pull about 50 volts from your phone jack Even when powers out But it requires rewiring Your power cord There is a tutorial On youtube

Or you can google battery powered air stones Multiple solutions show up Not just for Oxygen but filtration as well
your air pump with air stone should be a big help. it's suffocation that you have to worry about most. do you have a place to plug it in?
where are you located?

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