Help Low Maint. Plant Dying!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 8, 2009
W Burbs Chicago
good morning all,

Thanks for your help in advance

I have a 10 gal medium to heavy planted (Anubs and crypts)
Substrate is dirt (potting soil) with gravel on top
I have DIY co2 (2 bubbles/sec) going into a small powerhead for dispersion.
Using a 15W flourescent tube 12 hrs/day, no probs with algae
Been running like this for about 10 days.

The plants came from the classifieds and they all looked pretty well taken care of. They arrived on Wednesday, so they have only been in for about 4 days.

Params are Ph=6.8; temp 68 degrees F; ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0,
nitrate =15.

this tank prev was setup with just rocks and two fish, and yes the filter had bacteria in it.

Can you give me some guidance as to why the nitrates went south and the plants do not look healthy at all, crypts have started melting, the leaves on the anubs are curling at the edges.



PS. Sorry I do not have pix but Im sure you guys know what Im talking about
That's typical for crypts... I've seen the leaves curling on my anubias when moved from one tank to another. I would say you're seeing typical behavior at this point.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. A pH change can melt crypts. They will come back. I figure once the plants are uses to your water the new growth will be fine.
Hey mfd... thanks for the quick repsonse.

So pretty much I need not worry at this point? Because the Nitrates went from 40ppm to 15, shouldn't I worry, or is it just to early to be worried?

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