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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 12, 2012
Hi guys. I am removing my danio's out of my planted tank, ( into my spare tank) as I have found out they have been ruthlessly, murdering my rec cherry shrimp.

I want some other fish in my tank but I am torn between, Harlequin Rasbora's and Endler guppies.

What is your preference and why?

I currently have
18 neon tetra
4 otto's
3 rcs
1 amano shrimp
1 zebra nerite snail
Removing 4 danio's
In a 4ft plabted tank.

I have 12 harlequin rasbora and I love them. They eat like piranhas, they school awesomely and they have inducted my 2 neon rainbows into their school as well which I thought was doubly awesome
Yeah I really like them, but to be honest that is what I was worried about. I wanted my schoal of neons to stay seperate from the new fish, as the mass of blue tetra looks fab.

When I had danio's in the tank they 'got on' but kept away from each other.
Mine could be a odd case, and also when I can find more neon rainbows they may start schooling away from them.
You have room for both, I would do 12 rasboras, and 6 endlers, but if you dont want both i would do the endlers.
I really really like endlers but dont know how well they schoal, if at all.
And I know rasbora's schoal really well but I prefer the look of endlers. Hmmmm.

I definately only want one or the other.

Has anyone had experience mixing neon's and rasbora's? Do they schoal separately?


You will have to ignore the snowflake on the back, it was christmas. Haha.
The endlers do not shoal or even school from my experience. They would definitely add some color to your tank though.

Do you have any other plans for your tank? If you don't I would honestly add both fish to the tank. I'd do about 12 of the harlequin, and maybe 20 of the endlers--they're super small and don't add too much to the bioload, IME.

If you want a school/shoal do the harlequins, if you want more color do the endlers.
Fair enough good advice.

Think I will add Rasbora's in a large schoal and then see if endlers are needed.

Thanks guys.
P.s. I still have to add more of the hairgrass. My local shop sold me all they had, and I keep missing them when they do get it back in.
The grass is spreading but it was so thinly spread, it needs a bit more help, (or I'm just impatient).

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