help! sick angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 26, 2008
My angelfish has a pinkish growth on his lower gill sort of under his mouth on one side. It started off white and then grew increasingly red. We were told to put a little salt in the water and this seemed to help it started to shrink and he was eating again. However, now it is coming back though he is still eating. Any suggestions or info would be much appreciated. :n00b:
Do you have a picture? Sounds like some sort of growth. You may want to try melafix. Can you isolate him?
I have isolated him except for 2 bristlenose catfish which are extremely hearty.
here are some bad pics from my phone i cant find my camera...sorry
Hard to say. It does look sore though. I would treat with antibiotic, especially since it was getting better and then came back.
would amonia poisoning look like that?

I had a similar looking red spot on the gills of two of my angle fish - both have since died... I had checked the amonia level, was getting a 0.5 read, did water changes every day and decided they probably died of amonia poisoning... could that be a reason?
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