Help with blue rams

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 31, 2014
Yarmouth Nova Scotia , Canada
I have a pair of rams that just had eggs for their first. At first it seemed like they were protecting them. Then they ate them all. What's up with this. Can I brush the eggs off into a breeder box. How can I tell if they are fertilized ? Just a few things I would like to know for next time.

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I have been reading up on german blue rams and breeding because my male is picking on my female.

Anyway, in the redding I found that Ram fathers are not the smart and don't really get the whole " Don't eat the babies" thing until they do it a few times. No idea about the moving the eggs thing. If I was going to do that I would remove whatever decoration they decided to lay their eggs on... but I don't know how good of an idea that is.

Any chance your male ram would ram the females belly area before she placed the eggs? My male is being a real meanie to the female.

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you can take the eggs if the are on a rock and put it in a small tank with a air stone to keep the water moving and a little metoblue to stop fungus
you will need newly hatch brine shrimp or microworms to feed them , vinegar worms are good also
some people use crushed flakes but you need to be real careful not to pollute the water
Thanks I'm gonna move the whole piece of driftwood that she lays on into another tank next time. My female is bigger then my male right now, so he doesn't bug her much.

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