Help with sick fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 4, 2018

I have a 6 line wrasse that has a HUGE belly! He is still eating and acting normal! But I know this huge belly is NOT NORMAL! Can someone tell me what’s wrong with him? He is going poop and his poop looks normal!

Since your fish are still eating and acting in a normal manner, and the only symptom is a big belly, just hold off feeding for a few days. This will allow the fish time to expell it's excess stomach content.
Sick 6 line wrasse

I have a six line wrasse with a huge belly that is pooping out white strings! What is going on? 671138C0-817E-480E-8B8F-022F5F887A17.jpg

Your fish has an internal parasite. The white stringy poop is an indicator of such, though I’ve never seen such a massive bloat like this before.
You will need to remove the wrasse to put into a hospital tank to treat with copper based medication.
I would treat using PraziPro, not copper. Pretty sure copper is an external treatment of parasites.

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