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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Anemones do shrink themselves from time to time to defecate and change the water inside themselves. Has your nem been like this very long? How long have you had it?
I honestly wouldn't worry at this point. He's attached, color looks good and the mouth isn't gaping. He'll probably be back to normal tomorrow.

How long has your aquarium been established and what kind of lighting do you have?
Tank is new, water and everything else is from another tank

How many bulbs?

Anemones are pretty delicate and most folk will caution against adding one to a new tank, even if you used "old" water, rock and substrate. the general recommendation is at least six months and preferably at least a year old tank.
I did a fresh water change an hour ago and just ran out of fresh saltwater will it last a day?
It is pretty safe to say this anemone is not going to make it. The best advise I can give is please do your research before buying any more livestock. Anemones are delicate creatures who need established tanks a the best of times, it is unlikely they will survive your tanks cycle. I would also suggest that the LFS who sold you this should not be in business. Ask questions here to get honest answers and take people's advise. It will cost you a lot of money in dead livestock if you don't...
He seems to be coming back a little bit, is there anything I can do to atleast try

It looks a little worse I think. A gaping mouth is a bad sign. How did you acclimate it? Is there anything else in the tank? How far into the cycle are you? Post all the parameters you can...
The only tging off was my ammonia, I just did I 4 gallon water change since that's all I had and all my stores are closed. Water temp is at 77.2 and I have two clown and a yellow tang.

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