Here is a fish that eats algae + snails!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 11, 2004
I have a well planted tank with 1 Rainbow shark, lots of algae growing and a booming population of snails.

I put in 4 Puntius Denisonii (Red Line Torpedo barbs) and within half a day, there were no snails to be seen! Within a day there was virtually no algae left!

Of course, now they have eaten alot more than I expected them to, my biological filter is struggling to get up to speed and I got Nitrite issues :(
Arg. Lost my post...

Thanks for the recommendation, swozzie. I'll look for these barbs in NYC. I've never seen them before. I've heard about other ppl having success conquering hair and beard algae with other barbs, but I've never put this to the test as I don't have any barbs, and amano shrimp finally took care of my hair algae (as well as all other types!).

Relatively densely-planted tanks should suck up nitrites from newly-introduced fish. I'm surprised to hear you're having issues. How many new fish did you put in; how large are they; and how large is your tank?
I just put these 4 barbs in, about 4inches in length. Tank is 180litres, only other fish in there is the Rainbow shark. I am hoping regular water changes should keep the Nitrite in check.
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