Here is an interesting Question??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 28, 2004
Wausau WI
I am setting up a new SW tank 46 gallon to be exact. I have a nice home that is small and cozy. I am a huge Home theatre enthusiast and have a 10K sound system throughout the house with the main focus in the living room. My tank is in the living room about 15 feet from one hell of a subwoofer. It is the only place in the house for this tank.

Is the bass to much for the fish when at high volumes?
Is this not good?
Will they get used to it?
Do I have to give up my love of music and theatre for my love of fish?

Thanks for help and opinions.
I've never seen any info regarding marine organism's response to sub low frequencies. However, if you play loud music or watch loud movies with the sub turned up, the bass frequencies would probably be felt in the tank almost anywhere in the house. I doubt the fish appreciate it, it could make for some skittish critters. I have a small betta tank in the same room with my home theater system but I've never watched him when I've had the sub up loud. Maybe someone else will have better firsthand experience.
I've read about this before but can't remember where I did! I just want to add that water carries sound something like 10 or more times faster than air. So every little sound in or near a tank will be heard much much louder by the fish. Not a good thing IMO.

Yeah that is what I figured. But like anything else maybe i can slowly aclimate them to the sound over time. Then they would not be so shocked. Just an idea.

Im in the same boat as you. My fish never show any reaction to loud music or movies. 15" sub, 200 watt amp on it, 10 feet from the tank.
as an audiophile myself i dont think its too big a deal, my bros fish r fine (155 SW bow FO)and da ET sys in da crib rocks(living room a monster amp and basement 2 200watt receivers) granted the tank is 20ft away from da closest speaker but honestly wen u crank up da sys the whole blocks gana hear it let alone da fish. i figure fish r like people if ure neighbors aint complainin bout da noise den ure fish shud b ok. cuz imho its still not loud enuff!!!!
wen u crank up da sys the whole blocks gana hear it let alone da fish. i figure fish r like people if ure neighbors aint complainin bout da noise den ure fish shud b ok. cuz imho its still not loud enuff

holy unintelligible post, batman!
I've been trying to get my wife acclimated to my loud music and movies for ten years now, and no luck. hope you have better luck with your fish!
My tank is 5 feet from my sub and I have not noticed any problems. I did epoxy my rocks together just to be safe since my sub has been known to knock pictures off the wall.
holy unintelligible post, batman!

lol my bad. :oops: its all the wierd "isms" i have in my head. i was born in the south (new orleans), grew up on the west coast (california), only to end up on the east coast(new jersey). now im sitting here in germany trying to figure out wat channal the superbowl is going to be on. all the local lingo sorta gets mixed up when im typin online because i dont know who im addressing 8O
Wow, this is a spelling riot. Grab your clubs gentlemen.
hate ta break this to ya but ya gana need more den clubs :D
Funny stream here :)

Just to offer my experiences,

First off - I think this is a common duo (folks who like sw aquariums seem to be audiophiles as well) of course this is only my personal observation - no facts on this.

I have a 200W/channel system - good old stereo, McIntosh and SAE, and some Bob Carver stuff. I'm not sure why, but my fish don't seem to appear disturbed by it. I don't notice any response.

I just want to add that water carries sound something like 10 or more times faster than air.

Not sure but I don't think that's really what you meant. I think what you meant is water is a better conductor of sound, i.e. sounds power will be transmitted further and with less loss in water then in air - perhaps by as much as 10 times better. The speed of sound is fixed (something like 600+ mph).

However, I am inclined to agree with Jackdp - I still can't imagine that they would like this. So I'm a little confused as what seems to make sense, seems to contridict what appears to be. Maybe SW fish just like good jazz - not sure what's up here.


I work for a sound and lighting company, maybe if I get the chance I will bring home some test equipment and mics and try to measure the spl outside the tank vs. inside the tank. It is true that water is a better conductor of sound than air, but that is for sounds that have originated in the water. <Hypothesis> While true that water is a better conductor of sounds originating in the water, a body ofwater may actually act to insulate those within it from the sounds outside.

Think of when your are in a swimming pool, you can hear a watch beep, or a person scream next to you quite well, but you can't hear a person on the deck much at all. Just thinking out loud right now...
Hi Jackdp,

Do it man - I'd certainly be interested - this is a unique line of questioning and investigation. Not even sure if the fish are so sensitive to sound. It seems they're not, because even if I drop something big in the room they don't even seem distracted, but is I make one small but quick and silent move they all shot in different directions.

Anyway - neat stuff - I haven't seen any lit on this.

Right on!!

I think that this is going to be a good topic to study. I would like to know the results of this test. It would beinteresting to know what the fish are going through when we are enjoying another great love and hobby.

Thanks and hope to see some test results.
IMO if ya wana knot distrakt yur fischeees... sum kompromise shuld b aplied. It's kaled comon cense.... pay tension 2 yur liddle frends n yur tanc. ef theyere akting odd n donut seem quit rite maebe u shuld tern dwn the sownds just a tidt bit. udder wise injoy yur musik. 8)

May your tank prosper... WildFlower
my better half has a sound system that beats the theaters his sub is less than a foot from the tank you can here his movies outside and the windows rattle the fish do not seem to act any different when he is watching. he claims they like it :twisted:

I'm not quite sure why you have a Siamese Algae Eater hooked up to your receiver, but if it improves the sound let me know.


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