Hey guys. My dad died this morning.

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Verry sorry to hear. Just remember he's finaly resting comfortably and without any more pain.
I am so very sorry for you loss......my sympathies and prayers are with you and your family.
One never knows what to say at a time like this. I lost my dad many years ago and remember all too well how painful it is. My sympathies.

Sorry to hear your loss. My grandfather is going through the same thing right now, so I can understand your pain. He fell victim to cancer (which the doctors didnt catch it till a whole YEAR after he started to get it) and isn't doing too well. A sad situation and his days are numbered.
You are in are prayers.
So sorry to hear about this, Ray. I lost my father 2 years ago and there is just no way to prepare for such a thing. My prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear that Ray, you are in my thoughts. I can't imagine losing my mom or dad and I dread the day it happens. At least he is not in any more pain. :cry:
Thanks all. I got a good night's sleep last night for the first time since. I can really feel the prayers , well wishes, and virtual hugs too. Everything is falling in place. Printers printing, caterers catering, church help, and friends out of the woodwork. My brother will be here from Utah tomorrow to help, but I got so much done by yesterday that I am feeling some peace. Just really feeling how proud he'd be of me.

And don't tell anybody.... but me and the wife have been having some ruff times lately. This has brought us closer together too. Says she forgot how much she admired me. Everythings looking way up.

Thanks dad for everything you've done for me thoughout my life!
this makes me want to cry because i lost my grandfather the day of my parents wedding anniversary and during the service i started crying and i came out after the service was done

im so sorry for your loss, hopefully your stronger than I

My prayers to you your family
Ray, I am blown away by your strength and your ability to cope, and to recognize what amazing growth can be achieved through adversity. Your father would indeed be proud, I am sure of that.
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