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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 17, 2013
so ive recently picked up a 20g, made the rookie mistake of buying fish before cycling! so it is what it is ive been doing the best i can to maintaine that !:)

My question anyways is a freind of my fathers is guna hand me down a 40 g and a 60g.. not sure what the filters are like etc where hes recently had a child! i was just curious if my best bet is to continue with my 20g intell it is finished its cycle with fishies :(!

Than seee my two new tanks with stuff from my 20g? or should i just start these two up fresh and establish the fishless cycle and not even bother trying to seed it?

any thoughts are greatly appreciated !!! Thanks guys

officially addicted ?

- Myles
Well it really depends on when you are going to get the other tanks and if the filters and other accessories are in good working order.

If it was me I would just set up all three at the same time. Even if you start now you'd still have to wait awhile before you could actually seed the other tanks.

I would do one fish-in cycle and do the others fishless. I would do the fish in cycle in the largest tank, just to give you a little bit of forgiveness.
thanks for the advice i was kinda thinking the same thing where my 20g js snaller in size and hasnt really cycled either makes sence to just start those two up and get theyre cycles started ! Fishless cycles :) !
A fish-in cycle isn't the end of the world and can be done with great success. The down side to it is that it's a lot more work than a fishless cycle, which in turn puts stress on you and the fish. As long as you monitor the levels and keep up with water changes all should go good.

I also edited my first comment, not for sure if you saw, but I would do the fish-in cycle in the largest tank you could get up and running.
ok !:) would it be safe to tranfer them from the 20 to a 60? ill have the tanks sometime this weekend :)
or would it be a safer route to just leave them where they are and start these ones off fresh ? no fish cycle both the tanks and than once done cycling move the little guys over ?

Anyways thanks again cheers
I would wait and see how good the equipment is. Moving a fish can put stress on them, but I think in this case you'd be better off moving them to the larger tank.
forsure ! aswell do u have any tips on cleaning a used tank ? am i ok to use any old hand soap and a dish cloth and just rinse thouroully after wards getting rid of all soap?
Ehh, I think I would skip the handsoap. I usually just use a vinegar water mix. Cleans my tanks up really well, any crust I usually just take a razor blade and scrap it off.
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