Hi from Colorado- algae problem

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 2, 2013
Colorado Springs Co
Hi everyone!
New to this forum. I am hoping to learn a lot from you.

I have a 55 gallon tank which i got off craigslist. What a mess. Thought i cleaned it very well but with in three days water was green. Yikes! Algae!

Took everything out again. Cleaned and treated with algae control (Tetra)

I scrubbed the ornaments well but i am afraid there is still live algae in there.

Does anyone know if freezing or boiling the ornaments kills the live algae that may be left?
Hi everyone!
New to this forum. I am hoping to learn a lot from you.

I have a 55 gallon tank which i got off craigslist. What a mess. Thought i cleaned it very well but with in three days water was green. Yikes! Algae!

Took everything out again. Cleaned and treated with algae control (Tetra)

I scrubbed the ornaments well but i am afraid there is still live algae in there.

Does anyone know if freezing or boiling the ornaments kills the live algae that may be left?

Welcome!! What decor are you wanting to boil? If its been out of the tank for a while not much is going to be alive.

Are you sure the green is from the decor? Please don't be insulted by my questions but I always start from the beginning.

Over feeding?

What's your light schedule like?

Is the tank near a window?

Has it been cycled properly?

Is it green water only or algae also on glass and decor?


:welcome: to AA! The algae may be a bloom from all the cleaning. Believe it or not to clean isn't good in a tank.

Most likely the tank had algae before you owned it because of to much light and or overfeeding. The easiest thing to do would be only have the lights on for no more then six hrs a day and up your water changes till it clears. You could also buy a uv sterilizer if you choose. Oh, and only feed the fish every other day. all those things together should clear it up in a week or so.

As to the Decorations. a water/bleach mix of 10 to 1. along with a good soak will fix those.(no driftwood) rinse well!

good luck hope this helps!
Greetings from Aurora.

Unfortunately, simply trying to eradicate the algae isn't a good treatment plan. You get large growths of algae when conditions in the tank are favorable to it, and even if you eliminate 99% of the algae with chemicals, the remaining 1% will repopulate the tank in time.

Without knowing the answers to the questions that convict asked, we can't really pinpoint where your problem is. "Green algae" unfortunately describes 70-80% of algae, with each variety being caused by different combinations of factors.
Sorry about my stupid question about avi. I figured it out after i sent the message. Duh.
My tank is not in direct sun light. It is by a window. I have a blackout on the tank so it will not get to much light.

My ornaments are all artificial , plants, rocks, castle. That kind of stuff. Water is clearing up. I am afraid to put stuff back in.
Sorry about my stupid question about avi. I figured it out after i sent the message. Duh.
My tank is not in direct sun light. It is by a window. I have a blackout on the tank so it will not get to much light.

My ornaments are all artificial , plants, rocks, castle. That kind of stuff. Water is clearing up. I am afraid to put stuff back in.

What are your lvl's? As long as they are in line. You should be able to add stock.

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