Hi from NC!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 18, 2005
Greensboro, NC
Hi to all of the wonderful people on AA! I have been lurking for months reading intently. There are alot of helpful people on here and I am very excited to join this awesome group! I currently have a 30g FW, 10g FW, and 2½g FW set up. I have a 110g tank that I have been waiting for the trim to come in at the LFS so that I can reseal it and get it ready to go. Well, the trim finally came in yesterday, so I am one step closer to my dream of setting up my 110g SW! Also, I acquired a 30g hex yesterday, so that is another project in the making :D I hope to meet some of the local fish enthusiasts and perhaps start a Piedmont/Triad group!
wow!! So glad you decided to join the forum officially. It is good to see another NC'er :D

Welcome to AA!!!!!
wow!! So glad you decided to join the forum officially. It is good to see another NC'er
I agree. Welcome and I hope you find yourself right at home with us.
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