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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
(And gals, of course - I just lump everyone in all together. :) )

I'm in the process of planning my first tank - we're getting a 40 regular and stand which we (hubby and I) intend to use for a nice freshwater community tank. I've been reading a TON of posts on this forum (wow, it looks so different after registering!) and I wanted to thank y'all for this place - I've learned SO MUCH and I haven't even bought the tank yet! :)

I HAVE placed an order online for my water test kit, an AquaClear 70, a VisiTherm Stealth heater, a couple thermometers (a digital one and one of those stick-on ones 'cause I want to play with it), some Prime, and one of those algae magnet things. :) Oh, and a Python. :)

We'll be fishless cycling, whee! :) We've also just sent off the check to the local tropical fish society (we live in San Diego) and I already have MTS, even though I still don't have that first tank yet! :)

Any thoughts on what I've bought or what I'm planning would be greatly appreciated! I'm still up in the air on what fish I want for the community tank - I've been scouring fish shops and I'm in love with all kinds of things that don't seem to be at all compatible, so I'm going to have to make some tough choices! (Tiger barbs and a betta won't work? Shucks!)

Thanks again for all the help you've unknowingly given me so far! :)

Welcome to AA!

jinmon said:
We'll be fishless cycling, whee! :)
Yay fishless cycling!
You'll find your Python to be invaluable. I used buckets for awhile and got a Python for Christmas; it is genius.

jinmon said:
I already have MTS, even though I still don't have that first tank yet! :)

You have joined the right forum...(y)
LandGhoti said:
You'll find your Python to be invaluable. I used buckets for awhile and got a Python for Christmas; it is genius.

Heh, okay, last week I picked up a 5 gallon acryllic tank (cracked, darn it!) and filled it with water to see if it leaked. It did (barely). After using an empty water bottle to bail out about half the water, I KNEW I was buying that python when I got my real tank. ;)

(BTW, got some weld-on and sealed up the acryllic tank really well, figure if I'm careful with it it might be useful as a quarantine tank, emergency tank, plant tank, maybe a betta - or if all else fails, some kid's (or my) hermit crab tank. Hee!)

Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone! :) Just brought in my new 40 gallon.... wahoo! :)

Props on the fishless cycle!
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