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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 2, 2017
Hello everyone,

Hi, my name is Dave. I am new and wanted to say hello to everyone. I have 9 tanks. I keep discus, freshwater rays, spiny eels, assorted rainbows, Harlequin Rasbora, Buenos Aires tetras, synodontis catfish, lemon tetra, lamp eye tetra, a breeding pair of Sunrise angelfish, breeding pair of chocolate zebra plecos, Golden Nugget plecos, breeding pair of Siamese fighting fish, a large variety of Cory. Catfish, various types of shrimp, various types of Guppies, and more. I currently have 2- 75 gallons, 90 gallon, 125 gallon, a 55 gallon, 25 gallon, 2-30 gallons, and a 5 gallon. I live in Georgia. I am a chef. I am married with 4 Kids, just had twin girls a year ago. My other two are boys they are 9 and 6. My wife is a teacher. If there's any other questions comments or concerns feel free to ask me.

Thanks for sharing your information and knowledge,
Welcome aboard! My twin girls are 23 now. Are you getting any sleep yet?
No sleep to be had yet. Lol they are funny and adorable little stinkers lol so much different than my son's it's nuts. I wasn't ready for how cute they are lol
If your work schedule is like that if other chef’s that I know and you guys have twins you have your hands full.
They just turned 1 and they already want money. lol Yes I keep a rough 65 to 70 hrs a week in the kitchen. It's alot but it's whatever for now.
Hello, thanks for the warm welcome! I do breed, sell, and/or trade. I am in the process of trying to stabilize an Endler Cobra blend. My first attempt at purpose breeding. So far i have gotten some funny looking little fish. Kinda like a fancy tailed Endler. But I want the other way so food for now. lol. I have brilliant turquoise, red panda, yellow dragon, baby blue pandas, snakeskin, flechen red scribbles, Pigeon Blood, Pigeon Blood checkerboard, Tefe, white, and more types of Discus. I've got a stabilized batch of emerald Panda Cordes that I bred in my bigger discus tank. They are Panda corys mixed with Emerald Corys. Have a really awesome contrast between the black head in the dark green body
And more just ask
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