How Active should Angelfish be?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2003
New Jersey
I got my bicolor angel and he eats really well :D , my only question is how active are they usually? i put mine in the main tank after being in the QT tank, and he swims pretty fast all around the tank in and out of rocks and stuff. The only reason I ask is most of the angel fish I see in the fish store kind of just sit in the tank still.
Angels are very active fish, they should be swimming and exploring the tank most of the time, however if it is dashing from here to there all the time, it is most likely being chased.
glad to hear he's eating...that was my angel's problem, he would not take any food and just got thinner and thinner...yes they are very active and roam and nip at rock and glass all day and are usually the first one active in the morning also...what are you feeding him and have you heard any success stories with bicolors? thanks...
cool thanks everyone thats great news, yea he just swims all over the tank, its great to watch, cause he goes in and out every hole in the rocks, i'm feeding him a frozen gel cube made for dwarf angels i got from my LFS, and i'm going to get some seaweed for him to eat also, he loves nipping at the algae on the rocks and glass too.
Yep, there active. I noticed that to, at the LFS they tend to just sit in the corner.
My Flame Angel is very active durring the day but once the moon lights come on its bed time i never see it unless during the day at night it just goes into its cave and rests.

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