How can I tell if my featherduster is getting enough to eat?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
He is still alive, and looking well, but are there any signs I can look for to make sure he is really healthy? How can I tell if he is eating?
Feather dusters are filter feeders. I put kent marine zooplex in and they open up. If your worried that they aren't getting anything where they are just take a turkey baster and squirt some where they are.
I have tried squirting food near it, and it zipps right into its tube :lol: Are there any specific signs though of a healthy duster?
If he is zipping into his tube he is probably healthy. Another way to feed it would be to turn off any PH that is on and SLOWLY squeeze the turkey baster so that the food falls on him.
Of course thats only my opinion...I could be wrong.
Good luck
I wouldn't worry about it Meredith. I never feed my duster and it's doing great. It gets whatever it needs from the water and from me feeding the fish. As long as it's staying open, that's a good sign it's healthy.
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